Llyfrau mydr ac odl yn Gymraeg a Saesneg / Rhyming books in Welsh and English
Mae plant yn caru’r ailadrodd a’r rhythm o rigymau. Dyma ddetholiad o lyfrau i’w rhannu sy’n anelu i hybu ag annog hwyl a mwynhad o rannu rhigwm ar gyfer plant yng Nghymru oed 0-5, yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Bwrlwm y rhigwm i bawb!
Children love the repetition and rhythm of rhymes. Here is a selection of books to share with children that aims to promote and encourage fun and enjoyable rhyme sharing for children in Wales aged 0-5, in Welsh and English. It’s rhyming fun for everyone!
Dwylo’n Dawnsio (bilingual)
Author: Editor: Erin Meek Illustrator: Sioned Medi Evans
Interest level: 2-3
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Dwylo’n Dawnsio (bilingual)
Author: Editor: Erin Meek Illustrator: Sioned Medi Evans
Interest level: 2-3
Reading age:
Cyflwyniad llawn hwyl i rigymau Cymraeg traddodiadol, sy’n dangos symudiadau y gellir eu gwneud ac yn cynnwys cyfieithiad Saesneg …
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Dau Mewn Cae
Author: Ceri Wyn Jones Illustrator: Adrian Reynolds
Interest level: 3-6
Reading age: 5+
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Dau Mewn Cae
Author: Ceri Wyn Jones Illustrator: Adrian Reynolds
Interest level: 3-6
Reading age: 5+
A rhyming story about two rugby-loving brothers.
Stori ar fydr ac odl am ddau frawd sydd wrth eu boddau â rygbi.
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Deg Deinosor Bach / Ten Little Dinosaurs (bilingual)
Author: Mike Brownlow Adapted by Eurig Salisbury Illustrator: Simon Rickerty
Interest level: 3-6
Reading age: 4+
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Deg Deinosor Bach / Ten Little Dinosaurs (bilingual)
Author: Mike Brownlow Adapted by Eurig Salisbury Illustrator: Simon Rickerty
Interest level: 3-6
Reading age: 4+
A rampage through the world of dinosaurs from the perspective of little dinosaurs.
Rhuthr gwyllt drwy fyd deinosoriaid o safbwynt …
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Giraffes Can’t Dance / Y Jiraff Na Allai Ddawnsio (biling...
Author: Giles Andreae Adapted by Huw Ceiriog and Diana Jones Illustrator: Guy Parker-Rees
Interest level: 3-6
Reading age: 7+
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Giraffes Can’t Dance / Y Jiraff Na Allai Ddawnsio (biling...
Author: Giles Andreae Adapted by Huw Ceiriog and Diana Jones Illustrator: Guy Parker-Rees
Interest level: 3-6
Reading age: 7+
A lovely book about finding a way to do what you love, with lovely rhymes in both English and Welsh.
Llyfr hyfryd am ddod o …
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Eliffant yn fy Nghegin! / Elephant in my Kitchen!
Author: Smriti Halls Adapted by Aneirin Karadog Illustrator: Ella Okstad
Interest level: 3-7
Reading age: 5+
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Eliffant yn fy Nghegin! / Elephant in my Kitchen!
Author: Smriti Halls Adapted by Aneirin Karadog Illustrator: Ella Okstad
Interest level: 3-7
Reading age: 5+
Pan mae plentyn bach yn dod ar draws eliffant yn y gegin yn llowcio’u hoff fyrbrydau i gyd, mae’n rhaid cael gwybod beth sy’n digw…
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Pobl y Pants a’r Deinosoriaid
Author: Claire Freedman Adapted by Eurig Salisbury Illustrator: Ben Cort
Interest level: 3-7
Reading age: 7+
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Pobl y Pants a’r Deinosoriaid
Author: Claire Freedman Adapted by Eurig Salisbury Illustrator: Ben Cort
Interest level: 3-7
Reading age: 7+
Pants, aliens, dinosaurs and rhymes. What’s not to love?
Pants, pobl arallfydol, deinosoriaid ac odl. Beth gewch chi’n well?
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Ble Wyt Ti, Bwci Bo? / Where are you, Bwci Bo? (bilingual)
Author: Joanna Davies Illustrator: Steven Goldstone
Interest level: 4-5
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Ble Wyt Ti, Bwci Bo? / Where are you, Bwci Bo? (bilingual)
Author: Joanna Davies Illustrator: Steven Goldstone
Interest level: 4-5
Reading age:
Ymunwch â’r Bwci Bos, y bwystfilod bach, wrth iddyn nhw archwilio’r byd. Mae un bwystfil wrth ei fodd yn y goedwig, un arall yn dw…
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Y Llew tu Mewn / The Lion Inside (bilingual)
Author: Rachel Bright Adapted by Eurig Salisbury Illustrator: Jim Field
Interest level: 3-7
Reading age: 5+
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Y Llew tu Mewn / The Lion Inside (bilingual)
Author: Rachel Bright Adapted by Eurig Salisbury Illustrator: Jim Field
Interest level: 3-7
Reading age: 5+
A charming story about a lion and a mouse. One day the mouse hatches a plan so that he can be heard.
Stori hyfryd am lew a l…
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Enfawr/Gigantic (bilingual edition)
Author: Rob Biddulph addasiad gan Casia Wiliam
Interest level: 2-5
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Enfawr/Gigantic (bilingual edition)
Author: Rob Biddulph addasiad gan Casia Wiliam
Interest level: 2-5
Reading age:
Mae Enfawr yn forfil bach gyda calon mawr. A all achub ei frawd?
Gigantic is a small whale with a big heart. But can he save his b…
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Mae Gan Bawb Deimladau / Everybody Has Feelings (bilingual)
Author: Jon Burgerman adapted by Llinos Dafydd
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Mae Gan Bawb Deimladau / Everybody Has Feelings (bilingual)
Author: Jon Burgerman adapted by Llinos Dafydd
Interest level:
Reading age:
Mae gennym oll deimladau ac mae hynny'n iawn! Sut wyt TI'n teimlo heddiw?
We all have feelings and that's okay! How are YOU feeli…
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Yn Debyg ond Gwahanol/The Same But Different Too (bilingu...
Author: Karl Newson adapted by Endaf Griffiths Illustrator: Kate Hindley
Interest level: 2-5
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Yn Debyg ond Gwahanol/The Same But Different Too (bilingu...
Author: Karl Newson adapted by Endaf Griffiths Illustrator: Kate Hindley
Interest level: 2-5
Reading age:
Ynrhigwmsy’nddathliadtwymgalon o hunaniaethllawnhiwmor. Yn berffaithargyferdarllengyda plant ifanc.
A rhyming celeb…
Dim Bwystfilod!
Author: Tracey Hammett adapted by Anwen Pierce Illustrator: Jan McCafferty
Interest level: 4-5
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Dim Bwystfilod!
Author: Tracey Hammett adapted by Anwen Pierce Illustrator: Jan McCafferty
Interest level: 4-5
Reading age:
Roedd hi’n ddiwrnod arferol arall yn Ysgol y Dref. Roedd Miss yn dysgu mathamateg ger y bwrdd du; y plant yn canolbwyntio ar eu ta…
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Monsters Not Allowed
Author: Tracey Hammett Illustrator: Jan McCafferty
Interest level: 4-5
Reading age: 7+
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Monsters Not Allowed
Author: Tracey Hammett Illustrator: Jan McCafferty
Interest level: 4-5
Reading age: 7+
When a monster comes to visit Fidget school, the normal rules are thrown out of the window. Eventually, even the strict deputy hea…
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Octopws Sioctopws!
Author: Peter Bently adapted by Aneirin Karadog Illustrator: Steven Lenton
Interest level: 3-5
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Octopws Sioctopws!
Author: Peter Bently adapted by Aneirin Karadog Illustrator: Steven Lenton
Interest level: 3-5
Reading age:
Un diwrnod, mae octopws pinc enfawr yn ymddangos ar do tŷ teulu ifanc, ac er gwaethaf ymdrechion gorau’r frigâd dân, mae’n ymddang…
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Octopus Shocktopus!
Author: Peter Bently Illustrator: Steven Lenton
Interest level: 3-5
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Octopus Shocktopus!
Author: Peter Bently Illustrator: Steven Lenton
Interest level: 3-5
Reading age:
One day, a huge pink octopus appears on the roof of a young family’s house, and despite the fire brigade’s best efforts, it seems …
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