Gyda’n Gilydd

Publisher: Driftwood Design

Dyma gasgliad o 26 hwiangerddi a chaneuon traddodiadaol Cymraeg, gan gynnwys yr hen ffefrynnau Mynd Drot Drot, Fferm yr Hafod a'r Bwgan Brain. Yn wir, mae rhigwm at bob tywydd, tymor ac achlysur yma. Trwy gynnwys Calon Lân, Sosban Fach a Hen Wlad fy Nhadau, mae'r casgliad hefyd yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer ffans rygbi Cymru.

Heb os nac oni bai, gall pawb fwynhau'r llyfr arbennig hwn, yn ddarllenwyr Cymraeg ai peidio. Ar bob tudalen ddwbl mae geiriau'r hwinagerdd a darlun trawiadaol yn arddull annwyl, nodweddiadaol yr arlunudd Lizzie Spikes.

This book is a collection of 26 nursery rhymes and traditional Welsh songs, including Mynd Drot Drot, Mi Welais Jac y Do and Hen Fenyw Fach Cydweli. Indeed, this beautiful book has a song for every weather, season and occasion. By including Calon Lân, Sosban Fach a Hen Wlad fy Nhadau, this collection is also ideal for Welsh rugby fans too.

Without a doubt, everyone can enjoy this special book, be they Welsh readers or not. Each double page has the words of the rhyme and a beautiful illustration in the artist Lizzie Spikes' striking style.

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