Hive mind: 5 fascinating facts about bees you probably don't know

Published on: 07 February 2018 Author: Tony De Saulles

We know bees are absolutely vital to the world around us - but it turns out there's a lot we don't know about the buzzy little creatures.

Bee Boy

We're fascinated by queens and drones at the moment thanks to the release of Tony De Saulles' Bee Boy: Clash of the Killer Queens - it's the tale of Melvin, who's half bee and half boy.

Okay, so we might not really have bee-boy hybrids just yet, but Clash of the Killer Queens is full of astonishing true things about the world that you might not know.

To celebrate its release, we asked Tony to tell us five fascinating facts about bees... and he certainly delivered. Just take a look (and get ready to be just a little bit grossed out by number five):


Five amazing bee facts from Bee Boy's author Tony De Saulles

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