Cerrie Burnell

Cerrie Burnell was Writer in Residence from September 2019 until March 2020. During this time, she explored the power of fairy tales and the importance of diverse and inclusive stories.

Cerrie Burnell

Cerrie is best known for her work on CBeebies, and is also the author of Harper and the Sea of Secrets and The Girl With the Shark's Teeth, among many other books.

During her residency, she shared her passion for storytelling and her experiences of dyslexia and also ran a creative writing competition for primary school children.

When she was appointed, Cerrie said of her residency:

'Through overcoming my own difficulties with dyslexia, I've learnt that every child should have access to a wealth and wonderment of stories, regardless of whether they can read them. With the help of people around you – in my instance, my mum – all children can become enchanted by stories. I'm so excited to find out how books have been championed throughout the world and how children from every culture have found keys to unlock a love of literature.
'I am also beyond delighted to be working with BookTrust. They are a fabulous organisation who have reading and storytelling at their heart, which resonates with me so acutely.'

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The Ice Bear Miracle

Author: Cerrie Burnell

As a child, Marv Jackson survived a polar bear attack on a frozen river - and when he hears about ice skater Tuesday and Promise, her skating polar bear, he's sure he knows them both from somewhere. Full of magic and snowy mystery, Cerrie Burnell's beautiful story spins legend and real life into a fairy tale of family and belonging.

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The Girl with the Shark’s Teeth

Author: Cerrie Burnell

When mysterious men kidnap her mother, Minnow has to set sail alone for the magical, dangerous and beautiful Wild Deep. This book is full of lyrical, breathless prose and Burnell’s imagination is marvellous.

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Fairy Magic

Author: Cerrie Burnell Illustrator: Laura Ellen Anderson

Isabelle has discovered a fairy called Summer-Blue in a hidden magical world at the bottom of her garden... But will she be able to convince her brothers and sisters? A charming story about fairies, the changing seasons and a little girl who is deaf.

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