Love for Books: Your pictures part 2

Published on: 05 February 2016 Author: James Doherty

Our Love for Books campaign kicked off earlier this week and it's already been a success, well, we think so anyway.

We asked you on Monday to share pictures of yourself with the book you love, and lots of you have joined in. We've seen pictures of old, original classics; authors showing off the books that inspired them and we've even had pictures of children and pets reading too. See some of our favourite tweets/pictures from this week.

I think the baby is slightly annoyed that there's been an unscheduled reading break.


All the authors are coming out and showing off their first loves. We're glad it lasted


This is all well and good, but what's the cat's favouire book?


Not to be undone by the cats, the dogs have got involved too. We'll have rabbits reading Philip Pullman  next


You do hear about readers wanting to emulate their reading heroes, although I'd be interested to see the picture of the person who loves Little Miss Scary

Just to let you know, not everyone taking part in #LoveforBooks needs to get a tattoo of their favourite book


Two great book choices, although it does look like they have a lot of choice


I bet they've all been his favourite at some point or another


Is this avid reader thinking of hiring Grannie to get rid of his fleas?


I can't tell where Elizabeth ends and the books begin


One for #HarryPotterBookNight - if someone comes near the books I bet he says 'You shall not PASS!', Oh, wait. Wrong wizard.

This is what we love to see. Starting early!


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