Witch Wars

(4 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Tiga Whicabim doesn't know she's a witch. Or not until a fabulous fairy shows up and whisks her down the sink pipes to the fabulous witch world of Ritzy City to compete in Witch Wars, a competition to become Top Witch! It's a madcap adventure full of spells, riddles, fantastic hats, cakes, and friendship. But does Tiga have what it takes to win? With the help of her newfound witch friends she just might.

Witch Wars is a delightful read and fun for young readers as well as adults. The illustrations are beautifully done and completely transport the reader to Ritzy City. There are good witches and bad witches, but all of them are fabulous and Pounder brings them to life through hilarious character descriptions and by putting them in wild and wacky situations. A completely fresh and fun take on witches, Witch Wars is for anyone who likes magic, adventure, fashion, or a fabulous story.

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