Work with BookTrust

BookTrust is the UK's largest reading charity. Each year we reach millions of children across the UK with books, resources and support.

Our books and resources are delivered via health, library, schools and early years practitioners and are supported with guidance to encourage the development of a reading habit. Reading for pleasure has a dramatic impact on educational outcomes, wellbeing and social mobility and is also a huge pleasure in itself. We are committed to starting children on their reading journey and supporting them throughout.

Digital Product Officer

Location: This post is hybrid, with an office base in Leeds, requiring an average of at least eight days a month face-to-face working, with occasional travel to other locations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  

Contract: Full-time, permanent

Salary: £33,000pa

We are looking for someone to support our Digital team to plan, maintain, track, report on, optimise and evaluate the performance of our website product, which in turn supports service provision through our network of delivery partners. Ensuring our pages can be found easily by users, this role will analyse and report on performance data, including insights into user behaviour, and work with the team to make suggestions for improvements, ensuring all activity is insight-driven and audience focused. This covers end-to-end digital journeys from external sources, through the site and related platforms, and conversions and goal completions.

All of this involves excellent technical and people skills, working with a range of people at all levels, including colleagues, suppliers, partners who deliver our services, and supporters. We are looking for someone who is also very adaptable and comfortable to work in a changing environment as we develop our new digital approach, starting with a major project to transform our website.

To apply please send a copy of your CV to [email protected] along with a covering letter showing how you meet the person specification and your motivations for applying for the role. Your covering letter should not be longer than two sides.

Closing date: Monday 29 July at 9am.

 Read the Job Description

Partnership Manager - Wales

Location: The role will be based out of the BookTrust Offices in Cardiff.  BookTrust works in a hybrid and flexible way with an expectation of a minimum of 8 face to face collaboration days per month which could be at the Cardiff office, visiting partners across Wales and on occasions UK wide travel.  There will therefore be reasonable travel needed to fulfil the role, with occasional overnight stays.
Contract: Full-time, open to discussing flexible and part-time options
Salary:  £36,000.00

We’re looking for a positive and enthusiastic individual with a demonstrable ability to build strong and successful delivery and strategic relationships with a range of external stakeholders, including primary and secondary schools, local authorities, education sector organisations as well as other civil society organisations. The role will also involve ensuring the successful delivery of a set of BookTrust’s programmes and activities so strong organisational skills, experience of collaborating with different internal functional teams and being thorough and meticulous will be necessary attributes.

The Partnerships Manager will also contribute to the development of new activities and programmes and lead on the programme training and national and regional events for Wales so experience of devising and implementing new programmes and training would be advantageous.

To apply please send a copy of your CV to [email protected] along with a covering letter showing how you meet the person specification and your motivations for applying for the role. Your covering letter should not be longer than two sides.

Closing date:   31st July at 11:59pm. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis; therefore, early applications are encouraged.

Rheolwr Partneriaeth – Cymru

Lleoliad: Lleolir y swydd allan o swyddfeydd BookTrust yng Nghaerdydd. Mae BookTrust yn gweithio mewn modd hybrid a hyblyg gyda disgwyl i’r cyflogai dreulio o leiaf wyth diwrnod yn gweithio wyneb yn wyneb bob mis, a allai fod yn swyddfa Caerdydd, yn ymweld â phartneriaid ledled Cymru ac ar adegau yn teithio ledled y DU. Bydd angen teithio rhesymol i gyflawni'r rôl, felly, gydag angen i aros dros nos yn achlysurol.
Cytundeb: Llawn amser, gellid trafod opsiynau hyblyg a rhan amser.
Cyflog:  £36,000.00 y flwyddyn.

Rydyn ni’n chwilio am unigolyn cadarnhaol a brwdfrydig sy’n gallu dangos y gallu i adeiladu perthynas gyflenwi a strategol gref gydag ystod o randdeiliaid allanol, gan gynnwys ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd, awdurdodau lleol, sefydliadau yn y sector addysg ynghyd â sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil eraill. Bydd y rôl hefyd yn golygu sicrhau cyflawni set o raglenni a gweithgareddau BookTrust yn llwyddiannus, felly bydd meddu ar sgiliau trefnu cryf, profiad o gydweithio â thimau swyddogaethol mewnol gwahanol a bod yn drylwyr a manwl, yn nodweddion hanfodol.

Bydd y Rheolwr Partneriaeth hefyd yn cyfrannu at ddatblygu gweithgareddau a rhaglenni newydd ac yn arwain ar raglen hyfforddi a digwyddiadau cenedlaethol a rhanbarthol Cymru, felly byddai cael profiad o ddyfeisio a rhoi rhaglenni newydd a hyfforddiant ar waith o fantais.

I ymgeisio anfonwch gopi o’ch CV at [email protected] ynghyd â llythyr cyflwyno sy’n dangos sut yr ydych chi’n ateb manyleb y person a’ch ysgogiad chi dros ymgeisio am y swydd. Ni ddylai eich llythyr cyflwyno fod yn hirach na dwy ochr.

Dyddiad Cau:  Gorffennaf 31ain 11:59pm. Adolygir ceisiadau wrth iddyn nhw ddod i law. Anogir ceisiadau cynnar felly.

Read the Job Description - English

Read the Job Description - Welsh

Community Engagement Coordinator - Wales

Location: The role will be based out of the BookTrust Offices in Cardiff.  BookTrust works in a hybrid and flexible way with an expectation of a minimum of 8 face to face collaboration days per month which could be at the Cardiff office, visiting partners across Wales and on occasions UK wide travel.  There will therefore be reasonable travel needed to fulfil the role, with occasional overnight stays.

Contract: Full-time, open to discussing flexible and part-time options
Salary:  £28,000.00 per annum.

We are looking for a positive and enthusiastic individual with a demonstrable ability to develop relationships and make connections across a wide range of people and groups. A strong communicator with the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse range of audiences, in writing, and in person.

You will have ideally worked within or across a particular community or region, in outreach or a project within the third sector and be a highly motivated individual with the ability to work and travel unsupervised across multiple projects simultaneously and to work at pace, often to tight deadlines.

A passion to make a difference for children and families with an interest in the benefits of literacy and reading to child development, the value of books, stories and rhymes and the role of parents, carers, and guardians in developing a love of reading would be valuable.

We are currently recruiting to two Community Engagement Coordinator posts.

To apply please send a copy of your CV to [email protected] along with a covering letter showing how you meet the person specification and your motivations for applying for the role. Your covering letter should not be longer than two sides.

Closing date:   31st July at 11:59pm. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis; therefore, early applications are encouraged.

Cydlynydd Ymgysylltu Cymunedol – Cymru

Lleoliad: Lleolir y swydd allan o swyddfeydd BookTrust yng Nghaerdydd. Mae BookTrust yn gweithio mewn modd hybrid a hyblyg gyda disgwyl i’r cyflogai dreulio o leiaf wyth diwrnod yn gweithio wyneb yn wyneb bob mis, a allai fod yn swyddfa Caerdydd, yn ymweld â phartneriaid ledled Cymru ac ar adegau yn teithio ledled y DU. Bydd angen teithio rhesymol i gyflawni'r rôl, felly, gydag angen i aros dros nos yn achlysurol.
Cytundeb: Llawn amser, gellid trafod opsiynau hyblyg a rhan amser.
Cyflog:  £28,000.00 y flwyddyn.

Rydyn ni’n chwilio am unigolyn cadarnhaol a brwdfrydig sy’n gallu dangos y gallu i ddatblygu perthynas a gwneud cysylltiadau dros ystod eang o bobl a grwpiau. Rydych chi’n gyfathrebwr cryf gyda’r gallu i gyfathrebu’n effeithiol ag ystod amrywiol o gynulleidfaoedd, yn ysgrifenedig ac wyneb yn wyneb.

Yn ddelfrydol, byddwch wedi gweithio mewn cymuned neu ranbarth penodol, neu ar draws un, mewn gwaith allgyrraedd neu brosiect yn y trydydd sector, a bydd gennych ysgogiad personol enfawr, a’r gallu i weithio a theithio heb oruchwyliaeth ar draws prosiectau lluosog ar yr un pryd, ac sy’n gallu gweithio'n gyflym, i derfynau amser tyn yn aml.

Byddai’n werthfawr cael angerdd dros wneud gwahaniaeth i blant a theuluoedd, diddordeb mewn dangos manteision llythrennedd a darllen i ddatblygiad plant, gwerth llyfrau, straeon a rhigymau a rôl rhieni, gofalwyr a gwarcheidwaid wrth ddatblygu cariad at ddarllen.

Rydyn ni wrthi’n ceisio recriwtio ar gyfer dwy swydd Cydlynydd Ymgysylltu Cymunedol.

I ymgeisio anfonwch gopi o’ch CV at [email protected] ynghyd â llythyr cyflwyno sy’n dangos sut yr ydych chi’n ateb manyleb y person a’ch ysgogiad chi dros ymgeisio am y swydd. Ni ddylai eich llythyr cyflwyno fod yn hirach na dwy ochr.

Dyddiad Cau:  Gorffennaf 31ain 11:59pm. Adolygir ceisiadau wrth iddyn nhw ddod i law. Anogir ceisiadau cynnar felly.

Read the Job Description - English

Read the Job Description - Welsh

BookTrust Cymru: Big Welsh Rhyme Time Commissions 2025


We are inviting authors, poets, writers, musicians, performers and children's storytellers to help us create some special new content for Big Welsh Rhyme Time 2025. We are offering up to three commissions of £600 each.

Submission deadline for proposal: 12pm, 13 September 2024
We will aim to inform the successful applicants as soon as possible by 18 September 2024. All work must be complete and submitted to BookTrust Cymru by 13 December 2024.

About Big Welsh Rhyme Time

Big Welsh Rhyme Time is a week-long national celebration of sharing rhymes, poems and songs in the early years. It aims to promote and encourage fun and enjoyable rhyme sharing activity for young children in Wales aged 0-5, in Welsh and English. It supports early communication and literacy skills and inspires creativity.

Big Welsh Rhyme Time 2025 will take place 10-14 February. This year's key message will be 'Rhyming Fun for Everyone'.

You can find out more and learn how to submit a proposal here.

To discuss the project, please contact BookTrust Cymru: [email protected]

BookTrust Cymru: Comisiynau Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru 2025


Rydyn ni'n gwahodd awduron, beirdd, ysgrifenwyr, cerddorion a pherfformwyr i'n helpu i greu cynnwys arbennig newydd ar gyfer Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru 2025. Rydyn ni'n cynnig hyd at dri chomisiwn o £600 yr un.

Dyddiad cau derbyn cynigion: 12pm, 13 Medi 2024

Byddwn ni'n anelu at roi gwybod i'r ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus cyn gynted â phosib erbyn 18 Medi 2024. Rhaid i bob gwaith fod wedi'i orffen a'i gyflwyno i BookTrust Cymru erbyn 13 Rhagfyr 2024.

Am Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru

Mae Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru / The Big Welsh Rhyme Time yn ddathliad cenedlaethol wythnos o hyd sy'n dathlu rhannu rhigymau, cerddi a chaneuon yn y blynyddoedd cynnar. Ei nod yw hybu ac annog gweithgareddau rhannu rhigymau hwyliog a phleserus ar gyfer plant ifanc yng Nghymru rhwng 0 a 5 oed, yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Mae'n cefnogi sgiliau cyfathrebu a llythrennedd cynnar a chreadigrwydd.

Bydd Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru 2025 yn digwydd rhwng 10–14 Chwefror. Neges allweddol eleni fydd 'Bwrlwm y Rhigwm i Bawb'.

Gallwch ddarganfod mwy o wybodaeth a dysgu sut i gyflwyno cynnig yma.

I drafod y prosiect, cysylltwch os gwelwch yn dda â BookTrust Cymru: [email protected]

Our commitment to diversity and inclusivity

We aim to provide an inclusive recruitment process and actively welcome applications from diverse talent pools: BAME candidates, candidates with disabilities and long-term conditions and candidates from under-represented communities.

We are committed to equality of opportunity and want to ensure we have an accessible application process for all candidates. If you need any reasonable adjustments or would like us to do anything differently during the application process, please contact our HR team on [email protected] or 020 7801 8855/8856 to discuss your requirements further.

In order that our equality policy is effective we carry out regular monitoring of job applicants, and we would therefore ask you to complete the equality monitoring form.This information will be kept centrally within our secure HR department, completely separate from your recruitment application form and will be used for the sole purpose of compiling statistical information. The information will be separated from the application form and will not be given to the selection panel. The completed monitoring form will be destroyed once the information given in it has been collated.

BookTrust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The recruitment and selection process reflect our commitment to safeguarding, therefore the suitability of all prospective employees will be assessed during the recruitment process in line with this commitment, with pre-employment checks.

Charity no. 313343.
No contact from agencies, please.

Reading Together

Reading Together, Changing Children's Lives is based on decades of experience of working with millions of families and thousands of local partners, including health visitors, nurseries, schools, libraries and food banks.

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