This Rock is Mine

Publisher: Alison Green Books

Two frogs argue over a small rock where they’ve both set up camp, each insisting ‘this rock is mine!’ Concerned ants and other insects observe their increasingly ridiculous arguing with brilliantly drawn exasperated expressions.

Then a common enemy arrives. It turns out this is actually a heron’s rock  and the two frogs must hurry to find a new picnic spot. They do this together and find that they can live in perfect harmony after all. Hooray! 

This is a great book to open conversations about the joy of sharing and compromise with little ones – and giggle about the silliness of bickering! The illustrations by Alice McKinley are funny and detailed so there is loads to explore in this gorgeous book!  

Mae dau froga yn dadlau dros graig fach maen nhw’n eistedd arni, gyda’r ddau yn mynnu, ‘Fy nghraig i yw hon!’ Yna mae gelyn cyffredin yn cyrraedd. Fel mae’n digwydd, craig y crëyr yw hi! Mae’r brogaod yn mynd ati i ddod o hyd i fan newydd ac yn  dysgu y gallan nhw fyw yn hollol gytûn wedi’r cyfan.

Dyma lyfr gwych i ddechrau sgyrsiau gyda rhai bach am rannu a chyfaddawdu – a chwerthin ar ben gwiriondeb ffraeo! Mae’r darluniau gan Alice McKinley yn ddoniol ac yn fanwl, gyda llawer iawn i’w harchwilio.

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