The Thunk

Publisher: Bloomsbury

This is a fabulously funny picture book by the author of Ten Fat Sausages, brimming full of Michelle Robinson’s trademark silly humour.

The Thunk is a beast, a bit like a skink, although more like a skunk on account of the stink! It's thought to be extinct but young explorer Hector Voltaire - who’s had his fair share of other kids saying his head’s full of air - is determined to find one. 

Hector goes in search of a Thunk, and find one he does - in fact, he finds 63,402, all living a lovely life in the forest. But Hector comes to the realisation that if he shows off about this, these fabulous creatures will end up in zoos!

This is a book with a glorious rhythm and rhyme, which puts a reader in mind of Dr Seuss! Michelle Robinson really knows how to find the joy in books and her intention is to make you laugh and enjoy the ride.  The illustrations by Deborah Allwright are really fabulous with lots of detail to pore over and read again and again. 

Mae’r Thunk yn fwystfil, ychydig fel sginc, er yn debycach i ddrewgi o ran y drewdod! Mae’r anturiaethwr ifanc Hector Voltaire yn benderfynol o ddod o hyd i un – mewn gwirionedd, mae’n dod o hyd i 63,402, yn byw yn y goedwig. Ond mae Hector yn sylweddoli, os bydd yn brolio am hyn, yna bydd y creaduriaid gwych hyn yn cael eu caethiwo.

Dyma lyfr lluniau hynod ddoniol gyda rhythm ac odl ysblennydd, ac mae gan y darluniau gwych lawer o fanylion i fyfyrio arnyn nhw.

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