The Snowy Day

Publisher: Viking Press

When Peter wakes up one winter morning to find that the world has turned white, he can’t wait to put on his snowsuit and get out into the snow.

First he experiments with making different shapes and tracks with his feet; he turns his feet outwards, then turns his feet inwards, then drags his feet s-l-o-w-l-y along the ground to make a very long line.

Lying down and moving his arms and legs makes the best angels and rolling the snow into balls makes a great snowman. But maybe having a snowball fight is something to save until he’s older.

With colourful, collage-style illustrations and a central, black character, The Snowy Day broke new ground when it was first published in 1962. Despite being over 50 years old, Peter’s story feels as fresh today as any contemporary picture book.

The novelty of messing about in a world transformed by snow is experienced anew by every generation of children and never loses the power to amaze and delight. A simple, magical, heart-warming and ageless story. 

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