Best books for 1-year-olds

It’s A Little Baby

Toddlers at this age are often getting better at using their hands, so they’ll love board books with flaps and trying to turn the pages.

They love listening to you, so why not try out some silly animal noises and books with fun rhymes?

Here are some of our favourite books for sharing with 1-year-olds. 

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  • It’s A Little Baby

    Author: Julia Donaldson Illustrator: Rebecca Cobb

    Interest level: 0-3

  • It’s A Little Baby

    Author: Julia Donaldson Illustrator: Rebecca Cobb

    Interest level: 0-3

    Reading age:

    This is a really simple and fun book to read, encouraging interaction between the book and the child, and the reader and little on…

    ; Flip
  • Sometimes

    Author: Emma Dodd

    Interest level: 1-4

  • Sometimes

    Author: Emma Dodd

    Interest level: 1-4

    Reading age:

    This is a warm book about unconditional love. A perfect book for encouraging children to do what they want with reassuring support…

    ; Flip
  • Hooray for Fish!

    Author: Lucy Cousins

    Interest level: 0-4

  • Hooray for Fish!

    Author: Lucy Cousins

    Interest level: 0-4

    Reading age:

    Lucy Cousins gently introduces first concepts: simple colours, spots and stripes, being happy and grumpy, counting one two three, …

    ; Flip