Waldo a'I we wych / Walter's Wonderful Web (bilingual)

Publisher: Rily

Caiff Waldo bach y pry cop drafferth mawr wrth drio creu gwe. Doedden nhw ddim yn berffaith ac roedden nhw’n chwythu i ffwrdd o hyd. Un diwrnod, dyma Waldo’n penderfynu ei fod am roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd a chreu siapau bach. Yng nghwmni Waldo, cewch ddysgu am bob math o siapau mae’n eu creu yn ei we, gan obeithio na fyddan nhw’n chwythu i ffwrdd yn y gwynt. Mewn dim o dro, mae Waldo’n dysgu bod yr holl siapau’n gwneud gwe berffaith. Llyfr lliwgar hyfryd gan Tim Hopgood.

Little Walter the spider cannot seem to get the hang of making his webs. They weren’t perfect and kept blowing away. Walter decided one day that he was going to try something new and make small shapes. Learn with Walter all different shapes he makes in webs, hoping that they will not be blown away by the wind. Walter soon learns that all the shapes make the perfect web. A wondeful colourful book by Tim Hopgood.

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