Gwiwerod Gwirion Bost / The Squirrels Who Squabbled (bilingual)

Publisher: Atebol

Dilynwch stori Maldwyn wrth iddo sylweddoli nad yw wedi cadw unrhyw fwyd at y gaeaf. Roedd pob anifail arall wedi cadw stôr o fwyd. Beth all Maldwyn wneud? Mae’n dod o hyd i fochyn coed ar ddiwrnod olaf y tymor, ond arhoswch, dydi e ddim ar ei ben ei hun! Mae gwiwer arall o’r enw Tudor â’i lygad ar y côn hefyd. Er bod Tudor eisoes wedi casglu llawer o fwyd, mae dal i fod eisiau’r côn yma. Gwyliwch y ffrwgwd gwirion rhwng Tudor a Maldwyn dros y mochyn coed.

Ar ôl sawl anffawd, dyma Maldwyn a Tudor yn dysgu eu bod nhw wedi bod yn farus ac yn rhoi’r gorau i’r ffraeo. Maen nhw’n dysgu eu bod nhw’n well ar weithio gyda’i gilydd. Dyma lyfr hyfryd ar odl, gyda darluniau a llawer i siarad amdano.

Follow the story of Maldwyn as he realises he has not saved any food for the winter. All the other animals had built up their stores. What is Maldwyn to do? He finds a pinecone on the very last of the season, but wait, he’s not alone! Another squirrel called Tudor, has had his eye on the pinecone. Athough Tudor has gathered lots of food already he still really wants it.

Watch the squabble that Tudor and Maldwyn have over the pinecone. Maldwyn and Tudor learn after many mishaps that they have been greedy and the squabbling should stop. They learn that they were better working together. This is a wonderful rhyming book, with illustrations that give you lots to talk about.

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