Mali A’r Morfil / Molly and the Whale (bilingual)

Publisher: Graffeg

Cewch fwynhau stori Molly a’r morfil drwy ddarluniau difyr sy’n apelio at bawb.

Yn dilyn noson stormus, mae Molly a Dylan yn dod o hyd i’r morfil ac yn ei helpu gyda chymorth eu teulu a’r gymuned. Cewch ddysgu, gyda Molly, sut maen nhw’n helpu’r morfil i adael y traeth ar y noson stormus hon.

Mae llawer o ddyfnder i’r darluniau cyfoethog ac fe fyddan nhw at ddant plant a rhieni fel ei gilydd. Mae llawer i’w weld y tu hwnt i’r stori, a llawer i’w archwilio gyda’ch plentyn.

Dyma lyfr delfrydol i archwilio’r môr a’r traeth.

Explore the story of Molly and the Whale through fantastic illustrations that appeal to everyone.

Following a stormy night Molly and Dylan find and help the Whale with the support of their family and community. Find out with Molly how the Whale is helped to leave the beach on this stormy night.

The Illustrations are rich with allot of depth and are enjoyable to both children and parents alike. There’s lots of see beyond the story and to explore with your child.

This book is ideal for exploring the seas and beaches.

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Pan Wenodd y Lleuad / When the Moon Smiled (bilingual)

Author: Petr Horáček Adapted by Mari George

Daeth y nos ac mae’r lleuad yn tywynnu, ond mae’r holl anifeiliaid dal ar ddihun. Dilynwch y lleuad wrth iddi gynnau’r sêr i suo’r anifeiliaid i gysgu. Pan mae’r awyr yn llawn sêr sy’n disgleirio dros y fferm, mae’r lleuad yn gwenu. Mae’r llyfr hwn gan Petr Horáček wedi’i ddarlunio’n llachar ac mae’n stori hyfryd i’w rhannu gyda’ch plentyn.

Night has arrive…

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Weithiau, Rwy'n Hoff O Gyrlio'n Belen / Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball (bilingual)

Author: Vicki Churchill Adapted by Sioned Lleinau Illustrator: Charles Fuge

Mae Wombat bach yn dangos yr holl bethau mae’n mwynhau gwneud, o gyrlio’n belen i weiddi dros y lle!

Little Wombat shows us all his favourite things to do, from curling up into a ball to shouting outloud!

Read more about Weithiau, Rwy'n Hoff O Gyrlio'n Belen / Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball (bilingual)

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