Mwnci Bach / Little Monkey

Publisher: Dref Wen

Mae Mwnci Bach wrth ei bodd yn byw yn y jyngl ond mae'n rhwystredig ei bod hi'n rhy fach i ymuno â'i llwyth wrth iddynt bigo bananas, sblasio’n yr afon neu ymlacio ar bennau'r coed. Mae'n ymddangos bod popeth ychydig allan o gyrraedd, neu'n rhy ddwfn neu'n llawer rhy beryglus iddi. Wedi cael llond bol ar giikolli allan, mae hi'n cymryd materion i'w dwylo ei hun ac yn cychwyn ar antur epig i ddringo'r goeden dalaf yn y jyngl. Nid yw’n dasg hawdd ac mae’n rhaid iddi ddangos llawer o ddewrder, dyfeisgarwch a phenderfyniad, ond o leiaf nid oes neb i’w hatal rhag ceisio.

Mae Mwnci Bach yn ymhyfrydu yn y rhyddid i archwilio ar ei phen ei hun ac yn cymryd amser i arsylwi ar y pethau bach, fel pry cop yn nyddu ei we a glöyn byw yn dod allan o’i gocŵn. Fodd bynnag, mae hi'n anghofus i'r teigr llechwraidd sy'n ei stelcian trwy gydol y daith...

Mae darluniau doniol mewn pensil a dyfrlliw yn llenwi pob tudalen o’r chwedl ddoniol hon, sy’n sicr o daro tant ag unrhyw anturiaethwr bach di-ofn sy’n ysu i dyfu i fyny.

Little Monkey loves living in the jungle but is frustrated that she is too small to join her troop as they pick bananas, splash in the river or relax in the treetops. Everything seems to be just out of reach, or too deep or far too dangerous for her. Fed up with always missing out, she takes matters into her own hands and embarks on an epic adventure to climb the tallest tree in the jungle. It is not an easy task and she has to show lots of courage, ingenuity and determination, but at least there is no one to stop her from trying.

Little Monkey delights in the freedom of exploring by herself and takes time to observe the little things, such as a spider spinning its web and a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. However, she is oblivious to the stealthy tiger who stalks her throughout the journey...

Humorous illustrations in pencil and watercolour fill every page of this amusing tale, which is sure to strike a chord with any fearless little adventurer who is desperate to grow up.

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