Cwning-od Glaw A Hindda / Funny Bunnies Rain or Shine (bilingual)

Publisher: Atebol

Stori ddifyr ar odl sy’n dilyn hynt a helynt Cwning-od David Melling. Cewch drafod tywydd gwahanol gyda’ch plant, a gweld holl antur y cwning-od yn yr eira, y glaw a’r heulwen.

Mae’r lluniau hyn yn gyfoethog ac amlwg, gan gynnig llawer i’r oedolion a’r plant ei archwilio.

A bold rhyming story following the activities of David Mellings funny bunnies.  Explore different weather conditions with your children, see all the different activities the bunnies get up to in snow, rain, sunshine and more.

These pictures are rich and bold, providing lots to explore for both adults and children alike.

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