Wider than the Sea
Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books
Ró finds it tricky to read. The words dance about on the page, and she hates reading aloud in class, even Holes, which she’s enjoying as an audiobook. But she loves drawing. And she loves Sunny, the dolphin that swims in the bay, who comes up close when she and her friend The Bean are in a boat. Ró’s house is tense – Mum and Dad are either shouting or ignoring each other – and she hangs out with The Bean, copying his homework.
One day, a new teacher spots that Ró is having difficulty with words and with numbers. But Ró doesn’t want her parents to know about the broken bits of her, because maybe it’s her fault that they’re so unhappy. Meanwhile, The Bean has new, popular friends because he’s discovered a talent for long jump. Ró feels very lonely. And now Sunny is missing…
With lots of white space on the page, and some beautiful illustrations by George Ermos, this feels accessible and friendly for all readers. The author herself is dyslexic and knows the challenges that children can face when they don’t have the right support. Set on the west coast of Ireland, this heart-felt and ultimately uplifting story is also available as an audiobook.
Mae Ró yn cael trafferth darllen. Mae’r geiriau’n dawnsio o gwmpas ar y dudalen, ac mae hi’n casáu darllen yn uchel yn y dosbarth.
Ond dydy Ró ddim am i’w rhieni wybod am y rhannau ohoni sy’n teimlo’n doredig, gan efallai mai ei bai hi ydy eu bod nhw mor anhapus. Yn y cyfamser, mae gan ei ffrind Bean ffrindiau newydd, poblogaidd oherwydd ei fod wedi darganfod talent i wneud y naid hir.
Gyda llawer o ofod gwyn ar y dudalen a nifer o ddarluniadau hyfryd gan George Ermos, mae’r llyfr hwn sy’n hawdd i’w ddarllen wedi’i ysgrifennu gan awdur dyslecsig sy’n gwybod am yr heriau y mae plant yn gallu eu hwynebu pan nad ydy’r gefnogaeth iawn ganddyn nhw.
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Books featuring characters with dyslexia
We've put together a list of brilliant books which feature characters with dyslexia.