Working with families

BookTrust's work focuses heavily on family reading. Each year we carry out extensive research to learn how best to help families to engage in the benefits of reading.

In fact, our research shows that 53% of parents and carers of primary-age children say reading is not a big part of family life. We want to help you change that, so read on to find a video about the magic of reading that you can share with families, along with other tools and resources.

Top tips

Advice to share with families

An illustration of a man and a child reading together with the words: 'Sharing stories with your children helps them... do better in all lessons, be happier, have close family bonds, with brain growth, sleep better, understand the world and others, concentrate better

Spread the word with our poster and social media cards!

This year, our Great Books Guide is being sent to primary schools along with a fun poster highlighting the amazing benefits of reading.

If you'd like to spread the word about all the incredible things books can do, you can download an additional copy of the poster plus our free social media cards! You'll find a landscape version, portrait version and square version for you to use.

Download the poster

Download the social media cards (.zip)

Reading with your child video

Our video on reading with children has been specially developed for you to share with your school community.

Feel free to include it in your school newsletter, embed it on your website, or use it in any other way you think would be useful to you and your families.

You can embed the video by hovering over the video, clicking on the title or the YouTube logo to open it in YouTube, clicking on the 'Share' button, choosing 'Embed', and copying and pasting the code onto your school website. You may need the help of your IT staff to do this.

Alternatively, you can download the video files here.

Useful resources

Get information about the benefits of reading, all based on academic research. You can download the full interactive PDF here.

Discover findings from BookTrust's Family Survey to discover more about the circumstances, needs and wants of parents and carers in your community.

Find out more about Letterbox Club, our programme for children who are looked after, previously looked after, on the edge of care or vulnerable.

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