BookTrust Storytime resources

Here are some ideas and resources to help bring BookTrust Storytime to life.

Using your BookTrust Storytime resources

This year, every library will receive our shortlisted books along with some digital resources. Libraries taking part in our enhanced offer will have access to additional physical resources - here are some ideas if you have access to those...


Available to everyone here

It's up to you when you hand out certificates to children and families - maybe it could be for the first time they visit a session, for checking a book out of the library or for voting for their favourite shortlisted story.

But the certificate is also a great incentive for families to keep returning to the library for each session - encourage parents and carers to keep coming back so they can receive their certificate after they've enjoyed all six books.

The BookTrust Storytime owlNew! Activity sheets

Scroll down to find them

Extra Activity Sheet available online here

Each of our BookTrust Storytime shortlisted books has an activity sheet to match. Why not encourage families to stick around when the story is over to have a go? 

You could create packs of the activity sheets to be taken home, allowing other members of the family to feel involved with BookTrust Storytime. Or if a family checks out one of the books, you could give them the activity sheets at the same time.


BookTrust Storytime sticker book

Available online here

The BookTrust Storytime sticker book is another great way to encourage families to make return visits to the library.

It's completely up to you how you use the stickers. Maybe you could reward children for enjoying a storytime session, completing an activity sheet or checking out a book. For some families the excitement of collecting more stickers every time they come to the library could encourage repeat visits.


Permissions guide

What you can do with the books

Activity and rhyme sheets


Download fun rhymes to match the six BookTrust Storytime books.

Bonus Activity Sheet

We're sharing this new activity sheet to help you keep having fun with the BookTrust Storytime books.

Roarr! Activity

Check out this fun activity based on Roarr!

Into the Wild Activity

Check out this fun activity based on Into the Wild.

Look Out! Hungry Snake Activity

Check out this fun activity based on Look Out! Hungry Snake.

Whisper! Shout! Let it Out! Activity

Check out this fun activity based on Whisper! Shout! Let it Out!

Ten Little Ducklings Activity

Check out this fun activity based on Ten Little Ducklings.

Editable Posters

Community poster

Download our new poster to advertise BookTrust Storytime in your local community.

Library poster

Download a new poster to put up in your library to advertise BookTrust Storytime.

Community poster

Download our poster to advertise BookTrust Storytime in your local community.

Library poster

Download our poster to put up in your library to advertise BookTrust Storytime.



Download the first version of our BookTrust Storytime Story Explorer certificate to reward children and families who visit the library.

Social cards and newsletter headers

Facebook cards

Use these social cards to advertise BookTrust Storytime on your Facebook page.

Instagram cards

Use these social cards to advertise BookTrust Storytime on your Instagram page.

Twitter cards

Use these social cards to advertise BookTrust Storytime on your Twitter page.

Newsletter headers

Get newsletter headers to advertise BookTrust Storytime on your emails.

Storytime 2023

Find out what we learned last year

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