Take our survey

Have you received one of our Bookstart Toddler or Nursery packs? Share your thoughts!

This survey is for parents or carers who have received one of our Bookstart Toddler or Bookstart Nursery packs. We're really keen to hear what you think and your feedback will help BookTrust to improve its support for children and families.

If you have any questions about the survey, then please get in touch with the team at: [email protected]

About the survey

  • The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
  • It will be completely confidential.
  • We only use your personal data for research purposes and you can choose not to provide your contact details if you'd prefer not to.
  • We may use any quotes you provide in our external reporting or promotional materials, but these would be fully anonymised.
  • If you'd like to read our privacy policy beforehand, click here.

Take the survey


Please note: All research at BookTrust is undertaken in accordance with the Data Protection Act, and rules of the Market Research Society. If you agree to share your contact details with us, they’ll only be kept for a maximum 24 months. Your answers to this survey will also be kept by BookTrust, and would be connected to your contact details for a maximum of 24 months to help with recruitment for future research. 

Your personal contact details will not be used for any other purposes and will not be shared with a third party. All data will be stored securely, in compliance with GDPR regulations. Please see our privacy policy and our prize draw terms and conditions for more details.