Books about change and transition 18/12/2024
Our Writer in Residence Patrice Lawrence recommends eight books that might help childre...
How to use picture books to support children facing challenging circumstances 11/11/2024
Get recommendations of picture books to try to talk to children facing difficult circum...
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The Knife of Never Letting Go
The first in a series, this enthralling sci-fi/fantasy novel grips readers throughout, presenting them with tough questions about identity, ethics and the nature of truth.
The Ask and the Answer
Themes of dictatorship, terrorism and privacy reign in Ness’s darker science fiction sequel to The Knife of Never Letting Go.
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Waterstones Children's Laureate
Find out about Joseph Coelho
Find out everything that's going on with the 12th Waterstones Children's Laureate, Joseph Coelho, as he takes on the job from 2022-24.