You’re SO Amazing!

Publisher: Faber Books

Joe loves having fun at the playground with his friends. They can immerse themselves in imagination-fuelled games, speed down slides and dangle off the monkey bars. However, there’s a constant stream of on-lookers who insist on viewing one-legged Joe as a source of inspiration. So even when his friend Simone is clearly way better at high-jumping than Joe, or when he’s just minding his own business, eating an ice cream (or even just scratching his bottom), it’s always Joe who gets noticed and told how amazing he is.  

This is a superbly incisive and perfectly pitched picture book about the right of every child to just be an ordinary kid. Those who know Joe don’t see him as ‘amazing Joe’ or ‘poor Joe’ but rather ‘just Joe’. Ironically, it’s well-intentioned passers-by and parents who, by their very efforts to include and encourage, in fact insidiously single Joe out.

This show-stopper of a book features the same protagonist as What Happened to You? and it is every bit as wonderful, witty and wise, if not even more so. 

A joyous read and an important reminder that we should all be able to get on with everyday life without comment.

Mae Joe wrth ei fodd yn cael hwyl yn y maes chwarae gyda'i ffrindiau. Fodd bynnag, mae'r rhai sy'n eu gwylio yn mynnu gweld Joe un-goes fel rhywun sy'n ysbrydoli. Felly hyd yn oed pan fo'i ffrind Simone yn amlwg yn well nag ef am y naid uchel, neu pan fo'n bwyta hufen ia'n ddi-ffws, Joe ydy'r un sy'n cael clywed mor anhygoel ydyw.

Mae'r llyfr lluniau treiddgar tu hwnt hwn, gyda'i neges amserol am hawl pob plentyn i fod yn blentyn cyffredin, yn taro i'r dim. Yn eironig, y bobl sy'n mynd heibio a'r oedolion gyda bwriadau da sydd, wrth geisio cynnwys ac annog, yn mynd ati'n ddiymwybod i dynnu sylw at Joe.

Mae'r llyfr eithriadol hwn yn wych, yn ffraeth ac yn ddoeth.

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