Llyfr Hwiangerddi y Dref Wen

Publisher: Dref Wen

Heb os nac oni bai, dyma’r casgliad mwyaf cynhwysfawr o hwiangerddi Cymraeg, mae’r llyfr hyd yn oed yn cynnwys yr hwiangerdd Gymraeg hynaf. Pais Dinogad. Mae’r hwiangerddi wedi’u rhannu fesul thema. Mae’r themâu’n cynnwys rhigymau am amser a thywydd, creaduriaid, cyfarchion, doethineb a ffwlbri a ffantasi. Beth bynnag yw’r achlysur, fe ddewch chi o hyd i’r rhigwm perffaith i’w rannu ag unrhyw blentyn yn y gyfrol fendigedig hon.

Mae’n bosibl fod y llyfr yn fwy deniadol i oedolion na phlant erbyn hyn, gan fod y diwyg wedi dyddio ychydig, ond mae’r rhigymau yr un mor addas i blant ag erioed.

Without a doubt, this is the most comprehensive collection of Welsh rhymes. It even includes the oldest Welsh nursery rhyme, Pais Dinogad (Dinogad's Cloak). The rhymes are divided thematically. The themes include time, weather, creatures, greetings, wisdom, fantasy and tomfoolery. Whatever the occasion, you'll find the perfect rhyme to share with any child in this wonderful collection.

It's possible that this book is now more attractive to adults than children as the style has dated somewhat, but the rhymes are just as suitable for children as ever.

This volume is also ideal for anyone who wants to learn more about nursey rhymes, with its opening chapter explaining their background and a chapter of notes.

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