My Name is Sunshine Simpson

Publisher: Usborne

Sunshine Simpson is an ordinary ten-year-old girl. And that’s the problem. She didn’t even win the skipping challenge this year. When her teacher announces a special assembly to celebrate the school’s anniversary, everyone is excited to show off the thing that makes them them. But Sunshine can’t think what to do or say. Her beloved grandad says that life is an adventure to live and that no one should steal her joy. But everyone loves him – he’s so chatty and funny. What is special about Sunshine?

Meanwhile, her supposed friend Evie keeps making snide comments, Sunshine has a disaster cutting her own hair and Grandad is getting slower and quieter. Can Sunshine see past the everyday stresses and find her voice?

A charming and ultimately uplifting story about family, community and self-belief. Told with humour and heart, Sunshine’s story of working out who she is, while dealing with school and family, is very relatable. Her family is bursting with energy – from the gregarious Grandad to the vivacious Auntie Sharon – and through loss she realises her Jamaican heritage is an important part of who she is. This is an assured debut, dealing with grief, friendship dynamics and individuality in a readable, friendly way.

Merch gyffredin deng mlwydd oed ydy Sunshine Simpson. A dyna’r broblem. Wnaeth hi ddim hyd yn oed ennill y sialens sgipio eleni. Mae ei thaid annwyl yn dweud bod bywyd yn antur ac na ddylai unrhyw un ddwyn ei llawenydd. Ond mae pawb yn caru Taid – mae mor siaradus a doniol. Beth sy’n arbennig am Sunshine?

Stori annwyl am deulu, cymuned a hunan-gred sydd, yn y pen draw, yn codi calon. Mae’r stori am Sunshine yn ceisio gweithio allan pwy ydy hi, tra’i bod yn delio â’r ysgol a’r teulu, yn cael ei hadrodd gyda hiwmor a chalon, ac yn un y gallwn ni uniaethu â hi. Mae hwn yn gychwyn hyderus i’r awdur, gan ymdrin â galar, deinameg cyfeillgarwch ac unigolrwydd mewn modd darllenadwy a chyfeillgar.

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