If I Were Prime Minister

Publisher: Lantana

If you were prime minister, what new laws would you pass? For one young boy, the possibilities are endless. His new rules range from having libraries open day and night to ensuring that anyone who wanted a dog, or a bicycle, would have one, and grown ups would go to nursery once a month to learn how to play.

This joyous picture book is a beautifully illustrated story which gets young readers thinking about what they would change if they were in charge. It covers major socio-political themes including the education, immigration, healthcare and environment in a child-friendly, approachable way.

Pe baech chi’n brif weinidog, pa ddeddfau newydd fyddech chi’n eu pasio? I un bachgen ifanc, mae’r posibiliadau’n ddi-ben-draw. Mae ei reolau newydd yn amrywio o gael llyfrgelloedd ar agor drwy’r dydd a thrwy’r nos i sicrhau bod unrhyw un sydd eisiau ci neu feic yn cael un; a byddai oedolion yn mynd i feithrinfa unwaith y mis i ddysgu sut i chwarae.

Mae’r llyfr lluniau llawen hwn yn stori sydd wedi’i darlunio’n hyfryd ac sy’n cael darllenwyr ifanc i feddwl am beth fyddai’n bosibl iddyn nhw ei newid petaen nhw’n rheoli. Mae’n trafod themâu cymdeithasol-wleidyddol pwysig gan gynnwys addysg, mewnfudo, gofal iechyd a’r amgylchedd mewn modd agos atoch, addas i blant.

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