Flirty Dancing
Publisher: Bloomsbury
They are the Ladybirds: Bea, Kat, Betty and Pearl, but somehow they've drifted apart. Pearl delights in tormenting Bea and when new teen talent show, Starwars, is announced, things get increasingly complicated.
Pearl and her gang become the Pink Ladies: Kat's invited, Bea's not. Devastated, Bea discovers her Nan's arranged dance lessons for her, and (horrors) her partner is Ollie Matthews; school heart-throb and Pearl's boyfriend. Could things get worse? As she and Ollie learn to jive, Bea's confidence grows and she begins to discover herself, but tensions rise as Starwars finals loom.
First of four books (one per Ladybird) this is smart, funny writing, engagingly balancing the serious stuff - bullying, first love, friendship - with the joy of lindy hop and aerial moves.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Kitty, 15 Rhagfyr 2016
Flirty Dancing is about a girl called Bea Hogg. Bea is a shy girl who has few friends and a wierd sister. In the book Bea auditions for a dance show with her friend but her friend betrayes her by chosing to be with the popular girls' group. Her Gran sets up a jive dance lesson but when Bea gets there she finds out that her partner is Ollie Mathews, hottest boy in the school and Pearl[a mean popular girl who stole Bea bestfriend] was his girlfriend. The two start to bond and in the end ther...
Holly, 12 Ebrill 2016
I haven't read it yet but every one is saying its good
Annie, 3 Chwefror 2016
I think that Flirty Dancing was spectacular for people that like dance and romance. I love all the adventures that happen in this book and I think that you should give it a go.
mya, 3 Chwefror 2016
I did not like it because i found it annoying there was too much drama there was flirty dancing and the boy bea likes (olly) has a girlfreind the school bully! i would not recomend this book to younger kids
Taznim, 26 Ionawr 2016
I chose this book because I liked the story-line the author chose. This book is about a shy girl called Bea who is auditioning on a TV show with the school bully's boyfriend. I really like the book because there is so much drama and it makes you want to carry on reading all the time. I loved this book because there were lots of cliff-hangers and i read it before i went to bed every night.
Lauren, 26 Ionawr 2016
Flirty dancing is a great book about dancing. this book contains lots of sad and happy moments. The main part of the book was when Bea finds out who her partner is. (the schools meanest girls boyfriend). It was good because I did not want to put the book down. I also liked it because I love dancing. I would recommend this to girls (the age from 11 and over) who like to dance and who like romance.
Nadia, 25 Ionawr 2016
Flirty dancing The book “flirty dancing” by Jenny mc Lachlan is a book full of ups and downs and times where you just want to carry on reading. Bea Hoggs is not the most popular girl in the school and neither is her best friend Kat but when an opportunity comes their way they do not hesitate to try out, but then Kat betrays Bea. There is a dance show called Starwars and Bea wanted to do it with her best friend but Kat decides to audition with the meanest girl in the school, Pea...
Phoebe, 10 Ionawr 2016
FLIRTY DANCING BOOK REVIEW Flirty Dancing is about a girl in year 9 called Bea Hogg who is really shy and timid. When she was at nursery Bea, Kat, Pearl and Betty all were in a gang called the ladybirds but as they got older they started to drift away. In assembly a great opportunity is announced, a new TV talent show called Starwars, and auditions are coming up which makes matters worse between Bea and Pearl. Pearl and her gang start a group called the Pink Ladies, friend Kat is invited, ...
Daisy-May, 9 Ionawr 2016
Report on Flirty Dancing by Jenny Mclachlan Who: Bea Hogg is the main character in the story, along with her sister, Emma Hogg. Her best friend, Kat.Her Enemy, Pearl and the big mistake, Ollie Matthews. Where: The story is set at home, in her school and at a TV Dance Competition. Small description: Bea Hogg has entered a TV Dance Competition. Which was a big MISTAKE! Her dance partner is Ollie Matthews, who happens to be the boyfriend of the meanest girl in school. More from Flirty Dancing...
Olivia, 8 Ionawr 2016
I absolutely loved this book because it is really full of drama and gossip and I advise some people to read this book because it is breath-taking and very gripping.
markeesh, 8 Ionawr 2016
the book flirty dancing is a hooked in book that you cant put down . the book is about a girl called Bea and her friend who are sort of outsiders. they decide to enter a dance competition with there worst enemy . id recommend it to girls my age !
maisy, 8 Ionawr 2016
My book buzz book could be good and enjoyable for people who like comedy. I found it boring and silly because I like scary books. I didn't get as far as the main event but I think the book could be better. I thought It was weird (EG: a small naked person is licking me) but that is just my opinion. I hope you like the book.
Reegan, 8 Ionawr 2016
It's a good story but its kind of a teenager or a adult book bit it's fun to read and its dramatic and its exciting it can be boring in the start but its exciting at the end and the middle. I recommend it to adults and teenagers and maybe children.
Ilayda, 8 Ionawr 2016
Don't think about ignoring this book because you would love the drama and suspense. The book is so romantic. It involves dancing, boy troubles and one massive competition. It was good but it kind of left it on a cliff hanger about the lovers in the end. It has a gripping tale that would make you laugh and cry. I would recommend this book to girls age 11-what ever age upward. Not for boys though.
Shyanne, 7 Ionawr 2016
Flirty dancing is a captivating book because first of all it has very interesting words, it is a phenomenal book and really enjoyable. I would recommend this book to secondary school girls because its sort of about boyfriends and stuff. A girl called Bea enters a dance competition with a mystery dance partner.
Brooke, 7 Ionawr 2016
This book was amazing. I love the part when Bea had got kissed by Ollie in the dressing room, that part was so cute. I also love when Bea had laid her head on Ollie and he gave her his jumper I had never expected that to happen since she was not popular at all. Another good part was when Ollie kissed Bea when they were on screen and lost the star wars dance competition. What made this book most memorable was all the drama caused by Pearl. The most drama she caused was when she through the ...
Renee, 7 Ionawr 2016
It's a really exciting and fun book. its all about a girl who enters a competition and doesn't know who her partner is. And she finds out it is....THE BOYFRIEND OF THE SCHOOLS MEANEST GIRL- OLLIE MATTHEWS - I highly recommend this book for all ages :]
rumeysa, 7 Ionawr 2016
I realy liked the book because there was drama and the best girl got what she wanted
Chanel, 5 Ionawr 2016
I did not like the book because it did not get my attention and it was boring and unsatisfactory.
Hana, 5 Ionawr 2016
This book has many upbeat moments . It has an energetic storyline as it can be recommended to many ages. This story is about a girl called Bea (who is a bit of an outcast) until she gets entered in a t.v dance competion with the boyfriend of her school bully.I think this is a good book for children my age because it uses slang and other language I can relate to.
Stacey, 5 Ionawr 2016
This book was ok because it was about dance which I like but the rest of the story was really dull and nothing exciting happened. It stayed the same storyline the whole way through. It wasn't as exciting as it said it was. Therefore I was quite disappointed!
EMILY, 5 Ionawr 2016
This book is full of drama and romance! I would definitely describe this book as a cliff-hanger! I couldn't put the book down. It is about a girl called Bea and her experience on a talent show and gaining confidence. Along the way she falls in love with her dance partner and has the confidence to stand up to the most popular girl in the school. This is a great book for teenage girls! I definitely recommend this.
Maria, 17 Rhagfyr 2015
Shamim, 15 Rhagfyr 2015
I thought the book was really good and quite funny. i don't usually read this kind of genre as I prefer fantasy such as the wee free men by terry Pratchett ( another good book ) so it was a really good book for me too read.
Eleanor, 15 Rhagfyr 2015
It was a book with comedy. It was interesting and near the end i didn't want to stop reading. Excellent book definitely worth a read!!!!
Aarushi, 14 Rhagfyr 2015
This book is very addictive and its one of those books you cannot put down! I think this is because you compare it to your own and other peoples lives. My favorite part of the story was at the end when Ollie and Bea start dating and Pearl does a little Ladybird wave. I think it was predictable that they were going to starts dating... You could tell from the very start! Overall I think this book is very good and I love it!
Hattie, 14 Rhagfyr 2015
This book is very addictive. You compare it to your own life and become so engaged in the book you just want to read more. My favourite part was definitely at the end when Ollie and Bea start dating. The only reason why I wouldn't give this book 5 stars was because it was predictable that in the end Ollie and Bea would start dating would start dating. Overall I rate this book 4 stars.
Aoife, 14 Rhagfyr 2015
It is really funny
keira, 14 Rhagfyr 2015
It's a really good book and it has a few twists and turns near the end. It is really hard to stop reading the book when you are about to find out the results of the show but there is also a few relationships that make Bea feel uncomfortable. Flirty dancing is a happy book but it is depressing when Gran gets ill and couldn't make it to the show.
Harinija, 14 Rhagfyr 2015
'Flirty Dancing' was a good book. It wasn't the best I've read because it just focused on LOVE.I think that if it was a bit longer, including more description of the settings, characters and dances I would've enjoyed it much more than I did. All books like this one usually end the same. If it ended differently, for example, Pearl was nicer to Bea or Ollie liked someone else, or he didn't turn up. It would've added more tension to the book and make the reader want to read on. I recommend th...
Melissa, 14 Rhagfyr 2015
I like this book because their is lots of drama happing in the book their is a girl called Bea that likes a boy called Ollie and there's a another girl that likes Ollie her name is pearl. Ollie and Bea joins a star wars and they win star wars and Ollie kisses Bea.
Ilayda, 11 Rhagfyr 2015
Flirty dancing is an incredible book that I ADORE!!!!! I loved it within the first paragraph and knew that it would become a book that I would love and cherish for a long time. Bea (the main character) is my favorite as she seems to be a really shy girl but, to my surprise, can be very feisty. She does let people walk over her a bit and take her for granted (especially at the start of the book) but after a while, she seems to just break out of her shell! Kat (Bea's best friend) seems to be...
Anna, 10 Rhagfyr 2015
I really really really enjoyed the book but the first page may put of some of you
Ana, 6 Rhagfyr 2015
This book is about dancing and situations with friends, if you like this sort of things this book is the one for YOU!!!! The main story line of this book is about this girl called bea and a boy called Ollie, one day Beas Nan got her into a dance competition, but a unexpected person turns up!!! Half way during the book bea gets an unexpected message from someone, the person who texted her might try and stop bea from doing the competition with Ollie i would recommend this book to people who ...
Jeff, 4 Rhagfyr 2015
This book is about this girl called Bea who is really nice and then a girl called Pearl, a mean girl, takes everything from her. In " Flirty Dancing", I liked that they had some family moments, and it was about dancing which I enjoyed. For me, I liked some bits of it, such as when they had their family moments, But I think this book was a bit too old for me and I didn't really understand what was going on. it wasn't really the book for me.
todd, 4 Rhagfyr 2015
I would recommend this to most of my friend because it is a good book to read and I think that if you are in to romantic you will love this book. I got this book because I like romance and it is a romantic book.
Madison, 1 Rhagfyr 2015
I want to say a huge thank you for my book, I love it. I chose this book because I love to dance, however the book is about much more I have recommended it to my friend because she like dancing but I think everyone should try this book..
Jade, 1 Rhagfyr 2015
The colours and the front cover attracted me to this book. It looked interesting. My friends chose the same book so we have been able to talk about. The book impressed me and I finished it very quickly. I liked that it was really girly and they did dancing in it. I would recommend this book to anyone who is girly likes to dance and admires someone who is able to stand up to a bully.
Ellie, 1 Rhagfyr 2015
I would like to say a big thank you for my book ‘Flirty Dancing’ when a I read the blurb I straight away fell in love with it. The book has impressed me because there’s so much more to it than what I expected. I was able to finish in a day and a half because I found it difficult to put down it was so good. I learnt that if you follow your dreams that you can get surprises in life I would recommend this book because it's really fun and interesting.
Ella, 1 Rhagfyr 2015
This book is about this girl called Bea who is really nice and then a girl called Pearl, a mean girl, takes everything from her. In " Flirty Dancing", I liked that they had some family moments, and it was about dancing which I enjoyed. For me, I liked some bits of it, such as when they had their family moments, But I think this book was a bit too old for me and I didn't really understand what was going on. it wasn't really the book for me.
Olivia, 16 Tachwedd 2015
'Flirty Dancing'; a story about dancing, love and friendship. The character I really liked was Nan, for keeping Bea's spirit up. A character I didn't like was Peal, taking Bea's friend and making her feel lonely. What I liked about this book was that there were some emotions and feelings, family moments and what is going on at school. What I didn't like was that, in places, the content was quite mature, which made me feel uncomfortable. It might be out of my age limit. But overall I liked ...
Sarah, 16 Tachwedd 2015
I didn't really enjoy the book.The first chapter (to be honest the first couple of pages) where interesting but after that the book just started to loose its excitement. The book when't on a downwards roller coaster ride and never got off. It was very disappointing
Suraiya, 12 Tachwedd 2015
I like this book because it is about variety of things. Its about love and drama.
Vanessa, 12 Tachwedd 2015
This book is really interesting i really like the way it write in and i makes me laugh a lot and at the beginning it really funny i don't know why i find it funny i think that this book will be good for people that love to read book a lot.:)
Ashley, 12 Tachwedd 2015
I am currently reading flirty dancing! I chose this book because the title drew me in as soon as i saw it. I then read the blurb and immediately ticked the box. So far i have read the feud between Bea and Pearl. To be honest i have no idea why Pearl is wasting her time trying to get Bea away from Ollie because it is a bit obvious that Ollie doesn't really like Pearl and is starting to slowly like Bea. I really hope that they win starwars and that Pearl gets whats coming to her. I really lo...
Micaiah, 11 Tachwedd 2015
This book is about dancing and situations with friends, if you like this sort of things this book is the one for YOU!!!! The main story line of this book is about this girl called bea and a boy called Ollie, one day Beas Nan got her into a dance competition, but a unexpected person turns up!!! Half way during the book bea gets an unexpected message from someone, the person who texted her might try and stop bea from doing the competition with Ollie i would recommend this book to people who ...
sydney, 11 Tachwedd 2015
I enjoyed this book because it was funny and the story line was so interesting. its something that you can relate to and it was quite dramatic. the only thing i did not really like about the book was the beginning. it wasn't that interesting to be honest, but it quickly became very interesting it was just the first four pages i didn't really enjoy. but it was an amazing book
Melisa, 11 Tachwedd 2015
This book is really good as it is about a girl who enters a TV dance competition with a mystery partner thanks to her nan. She has a mystery partner. I really enjoy this book as well because it has a bit of a twist as well.
Alexia, 11 Tachwedd 2015
This book is really interesting because the characters are eccentric and fun also, it has a lot of detail.
Janet, 11 Tachwedd 2015
This is a very interesting book so far.
Esther, 11 Tachwedd 2015
I really enjoyed this book because most of it is reality and for some people it's like their every day lives. It was some much like a reality i kept on reading. I'd really like to read more books like this from the author.I'd recommend this book to people who really love reading books that are in to reading book much like our every day lives.
Jennifer, 11 Tachwedd 2015
The way the book started was really clever. I think the book is amazing and I would recommend it to people who like books written in first person and who like books about dancing. The theme of the book is about a girl called Beatrice and she had to go on stage with a boy who was with the girl who hated her. The book reminds me of Dork Diaries which is great because I like those.I am really happy with my book.
Kinga, 11 Tachwedd 2015
This book is called Flirty Dancing by Jenny McLachlan This book is about a girl called Bea Hogg who gets into big trouble. she enters into a TV dance competition with a mystery partner. This book is a hilarious, funny, and comedy book. i would definitely recommend this book to those who like comedy and romance.
Josie, 11 Tachwedd 2015
I chose this book because I like dancing and it seemed a fun and humorous book to read. This book is about a 14 year old girl called Beatrice also known as Bea or Bean. Her Grandma persuaded her to enter a T.V dance competition with a mystery partner which turns out to be Ollie Matthews - the hottest boy at her school who is dating the meanest girl in school. I like Bea because she is a fun and bubbly character, at home but when she goes to school she is the shy girl in class. Bea has to d...
Jasmine, 6 Tachwedd 2015
I think this was an amazing book but I didn't read it all at once .
bob, 5 Tachwedd 2015
I haven`t read this book yet, but when I read the blurb I thought it looked like it was very well written and it also looked fun to read. I would rate this book ***** (5 stars) I would recommend it to children of 10-15.
OMG_its_lenny, 2 Tachwedd 2015
Amazing book to read
spencer, 28 Hydref 2015
love this book hoping its going to be good
Laurina, 21 Hydref 2015
I like this book because it is about her child hood kind of life dork diaries LOVE IT!!!!
Laurina, 21 Hydref 2015
hoping it is really good
lol, 16 Hydref 2015
'Flirty Dancing' is a really good book. It is fun and hilarious, and if you like reading a bit of romance and dorky books then 'Flirty Dancing' is the book for you. The part I liked most was the last audition, Bea had always been a shy girl but she stood up for herself and in the end everything turned out ok. I don't know if other people like cliff hangers but I don't because then there would be another book to look for and I don't like looking for other books because sometimes in the end ...
Peace, 15 Hydref 2015
"Flirty Dancing" was a very fun enjoyable book. It is very good if you like reading about dancing or people's love lives. It had lots of dilemmas, secrets and funny parts that made me laugh a lot. I liked the way there was a really sad part but it ended up alright. I liked it when Pearl got her comeuppance because if she hadn't I think it would have left the end on a cliff hanger that could never be resolved. I hope Jenny McLachlan will write another book in the series because I would defi...
Isabel, 15 Hydref 2015
This book was AMAZING! I couldn't put it down and read it all in one night! I think this book is hilarious and very relatable. (for me at least) I usually only get into books like the hunger gamer or divergent but as my school is reviewing books to buy for our library I thought I would give it a read... AND I LOVED IT!
Kacey, 15 Hydref 2015
I think I would like this book because from other peoples prospective and the blurb that I learnt in my school Library I think the book is great.I think it is great because the book is funny and when I read books sometimes I like to laugh so I wouldn't get bored.|Also,it is mostly about parties and I like parties so I think that I will enjoy the book.
Michelle, 14 Hydref 2015
This book was very interesting to read I really enjoyed it and would recommended it to my friends. It is about a girl called Beatrice Hogg who has to go through all the drama of her friend going off without her when a big dance competition comes up at school. Bea's gran signs her up for jive lessons and it turns out her partner is the super hot Ollie Mathews that nearly every girl in the school has a crush on. all different things happen after that in the book. t his books sometimes makes ...
charlotte, 13 Hydref 2015
From reading the blurb and the extract ive really got into the book and i am determind to read the rest . I love the reality of this book its easy to relate to ...this a book im definatley going to get next time im out shopping .
Brooke, 13 Hydref 2015
Great i really enjoyed this book.
Lucy, 4 Hydref 2015
I like firty dancing
Shanaye, 3 Hydref 2015
I would love to read this book
Ankita, 2 Hydref 2015
epic book
elana, 1 Hydref 2015
about to read this hope it is good!
Alyssia, 28 Medi 2015
This book is awsome it is really flirty i really want this book
Kristen, 23 Medi 2015
really good book.........I loved it......... bit like GEEK GIRL by Holly Smale I love geek girl books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're just too good bit like this book
harpreet, 17 Medi 2015
Britains Got Talent, meets teenage love, meets Strictly Come Dancing, meets how to beat the bullies, meets Cinderela (the movie), meets being a teenager with attitude. All this at the same time as being funny, sad and a bit soppy in places. What's not to like?
Maggie, 29 Ebrill 2015
Lights, Camera, Action! Bea and Ollie are thrown together, learn to jive, and are launched on a roller coaster ride in a TV Dance Competition. A fast paced book focusing on fun, family and friends.
Alison, 29 Ebrill 2015
Flirty Dancing is a fabulous tale of one girl’s triumph over loads of difficulties, all of them hard but all dealt with brilliantly and with great humour.
Simon, 29 Ebrill 2015
Flirty Dancing is a fun, warm and delightful story about being yourself. As delicious as taking a bubble bath while eating a choc ice.
Elen, 29 Ebrill 2015
It's a fun book with a great storyline. Will Bea win the dance competition? I loved how Bea's relationships with her family and friends develop and if anything this book will remind you how important it is just to be yourself.
Edward, 29 Ebrill 2015
An absolute gem.
Faye, 21 Gorffennaf 2014
This book is AMAZING.It is one of the best books I've read, and I would recommend it to everyone.Wether you like Love story's, comedy's, sad story's this book has it all. Jam packed into an amazing descriptive story line, to keep you attached to this tale.