Dodos Are Not Extinct

Publisher: O’Brien

The bird in this book has a big secret to tell - they are in fact not a bird at all, rather a dodo in disguise! But dodos are extinct, aren’t they? This dodo is here to prove otherwise…

The trouble with being rare and close to extinction is that you get a lot of unwanted attention. So, whether it’s strapping on a beak to look like a bird or suiting up in a tuxedo to fit in with the penguins, dodos have found a way to go about unnoticed. Dodos aren’t the only masters of disguise. A whole cast of famous ‘extinct’ animals – from the woolly mammoth to the sabre-toothed tiger - have found inventive ways to blend into their surroundings and fool us all!

This brilliant, playful picture book is packed full of silly humour as well as informative content about famous extinct creatures. The final pages are a lovely and useful addition to the book dispelling fact from fiction – there are brief information snippets on various extinct creatures that feature in the story, some which have gone extinct naturally and some which humans have caused.

Young readers can delight in the spotting what extinct animals lie beneath the funny disguises depicted in the vibrant and expressive illustrations. We particularly love the expression of the grumpy sabre-toothed tiger!

P'un a yw'n gosod pig ar ei hun i edrych fel aderyn neu'n gwisgo mewn siaced ginio i edrych fel un o'r pengwiniaid, mae dodos wedi dod o hyd i ffordd i fynd o gwmpas ac osgoi sylw.

Nid dodos yw'r unig rai sy'n feistri am newid eu gwedd. Mae llond gwlad o anifeiliaid enwog 'diflanedig' – o'r mamoth gwlanog i'r teigr ysgithrog – wedi dod o hyd i ffyrdd dyfeisgar i doddi i mewn i'w hamgylchfyd a'n twyllo ni i gyd!

Mae'r llyfr lluniau chwareus ardderchog hwn yn llawn i'r ymylon o hiwmor gwirion yn ogystal â chynnwys llawn gwybodaeth am greaduriaid diflanedig enwog. Hefyd, bydd y darllenwyr ifanc wrth eu boddau'n dod o hyd i'r anifeiliaid diflanedig y tu ôl i'r cuddwisgoedd doniol.

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