Young, Gifted and Black: Meet 52 Black Heroes from Past and Present
Publisher: Wide Eyed Editions
Esperanza Spalding taught herself to play violin at age five, performed with the Chamber Music Society of Oregon until she was 15, then won a scholarship to Northwest Academy to study oboe and clarinet. In 2011, she won the Best New Artist Grammy.
Simone Biles, born in 1997, has earned more Olympic and World Championship medals than any other American gymnast.
British film director Steve McQueen, a gifted artist as a child, struggled to find support for his talent at school. He went on to direct 12 Years a Slave, a historic memoir about a free man who was sold into slavery.
This beautiful and eye-catching hardback celebrates a selection of black icons from history and the present day to inspire all children to discover what they can achieve. Many of the accounts detail great hardship and prejudice, and in the wake of the #Blacklivesmatter movement, this collection’s focus is very timely and necessary – and an ideal book to share with children who have questions about what’s happening in the world today.
It’s important that all children see themselves in books, and also recognise the struggles that have been – and continue to be a part of – daily life for many.
Books about Black joy for 8+
Enjoy this selection of joyous books by Black authors, all starring Black characters having adventures. We've included some inspiring non-fiction titles as well.
All sorts of heroes (older children)
These books are perfect for showing children that there are all sorts of heroes in life - and will inspire them to make a difference, too.
Black History Month
For Black History Month we have put together a booklist of historical stories from Black History around the world.
Non-fiction and fact books your child will love (older children aged 9-12)
Getting older children to love reading isn't necessarily about fiction and fairy tales. Here are just a few of our favourites to get them excited to read.
Black Lives Matter
Our pick of the top books that examine the structural oppression experienced by people of colour, aimed at inspiring and empowering young children to talk about anti-racism.
Our favourite books about Black History for older children (9-12)
Check out our favourite books about Black History for older children, from 9-12. Exciting, engaging and truly interesting, these books are perfect for curious children.
Also check out our list for 4-8 year olds and our list for teens
What you thought...
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Sophie, 01 March 2021
I love this book as it is interesting learning about black people.