Yes No
Publisher: Walker Books
Yes/no, light/heavy, in/out, alive/dead: Jan Pieńkowski explores all manner of opposites in this bright and original book for toddlers, full of his trademark bright, thick-outlined illustration.
Left and right are two beefeaters marching in opposite directions; a boy shows the before and after of a balloon being blown up; and an octopus looks knowingly up at a puffin from under the sea.
Great fun for toddlers and preschoolers who will love this bright, helpful book, which also depicts a range of ethnic diversity.
Jan Pienkowski: a lifetime in books
This pop-up pioneer and creator of the iconic Meg and Mog series has won our Lifetime Achivement Award 2019. Check out 20 of our favourite books by Jan Pienkowski, covering a wide range of reading ages.