Yr Arth a fu’n bloeddio Bw! / The Bear who went Boo! (bilingual)

Publisher: Atebol

Dilynwch daith yr arth fach wen ddireidus sy’n hoffi rhoi braw i anifeiliaid eraill yr Arctig drwy weiddi BW! Daw rhaglen deledu i ymweld â’r anifeiliaid. Maen nhw’n paratoi, ond mae Arth Fach yn gwneud cawdel o’u cynlluniau drwy roi braw i’r dyn sy’n recordio i’r teledu. Dyma’r dyn yn cyhoeddi nad yw am fynd i ffilmio yn yr Arctig oherwydd, o’r holl anifeiliaid mae wedi cwrdd â nhw, Arth Fach yw’r gwaethaf. Wrth i’r dyn adael i ffilmio pengwiniaid, mae’r anifeiliaid yn paratoi i ddial ar Arth Fach.

Follow the journey of the cheeky little polar bear who likes to give the other animals in the Artic a big scare by shouting BOO! The animals are getting a visit from a TV show. They are getting ready, but Little Bear ruins their plans by scaring the man who’s recording for TV. The man declares he is not going to film in the Artic because out of all the animals the man has met, Little Bear is the worst. As the man leaves to film penguins, the animals prepare to get revenge on Little Bear. 

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