1, 2, 3, Dawnsio Dawns y Deinosor / 1, 2, 3, Do the Dinosaur (bilingual)

Publisher: Atebol

Mae’n bryd dawnsio dawns y deinosor! Wyt ti’n barod?

Mae Tomi wedi gwisgo fel deinosor ac wedi dod â’i ffrindiau ynghyd i ddawnsio fel deinosoriaid drwy’r jyngl. I ddawnsio dawns y deinosor, mae’n rhaid i ti siglo dy gynffon, stompio dy draed ac – yn bwysicaf oll – RHUO!

O, na! Aros funud. Mae’r ffrindiau’n cael gymaint o hwyl ac yn gwneud cymaint o sŵn fel eu bod nhw wedi dal sylw’r T-Rex… Rhedwch! Drwy lwc, eisiau ymuno yn yr hwyl mae’r T-Rex a dangos ei sgiliau stompio. Ac mae’r cyfan yn naturiol iddo, wrth gwrs!

Mae 1, 2, 3, Dawnsio Dawns y Deinosor yn fywiog a hwyliog, ac yn cyfuno symudiadau a stori i greu profiad darllen llawen y bydd y plantos bach (a’r rhai mawr) wrth eu bodd yn ymuno ynddo. Mae’r rhigymu a’r rhythmau yn rhagorol, gyda geiriau fel sy’n berffaith i’w hadrodd yn uchel.

It’s time to do the dinosaur! Are you ready?

Tom has got his dino costume on and gathered his friends together for a dino dance through the jungle. To do the dinosaur, you have to swish your tail, stomp your feet and – perhaps most importantly – ROAR!

Uh-oh, wait a minute. The friends are having so much fun and making so much noise, they’ve attracted the attention of the T-Rex… Time to run! Luckily the T-Rex just wants to join in and show off his own stomping skills. And he’s a natural, of course!

123 Do the Dinosaur is bright and fun, combining actions and story to create a joyous reading experience that little ones (and big ones) won’t be able to resist joining in with. The rhyme and rhythm are superb, with words like swish and rumble, jiggle and wriggle that make it perfect to read aloud.

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