Too Small Tola Makes It Count

Publisher: Walker Books

This brilliant collection of three short stories centres Tola, who lives in a one-room flat in Lagos, Nigeria, with her grandmummy, and older brother and sister. In the first story, Tola’s friend Mrs Shaky-Shaky is finding it tricky to get up and down the stairs to her room. And Tola’s having trouble at school with no one believing her that she knows the Diamonds, the most famous musicians in Nigeria. If only life were like maths, with easy answers. Can Tola find a way to help Mrs Shaky-Shaky – and herself?

In the second tale, Grandmummy announces that she and Tola are off to the beach! And Tola finds something impossible to count – the sand. Finally, in the third story, Tola is looking after baby Jide when he crawls off. Can Tola find him?

The short stories make this book easy to dip into, and the warm illustrations bring Tola’s world to life with humour. Readers will enjoy the portrayals of Tola’s community and family, and might recognise her friendship concerns. Life does not always have straightforward answers, unlike maths, and sometimes it’s your friends and family who help you find your way. A celebration of community and family – and love.

Seren y casgliad gwych hwn o dair stori fer ydy Tola, sy'n byw mewn fflat un ystafell yn Lagos, Nigeria, gyda'i nain a'i brawd a'i chwaer hŷn. Ym mhob stori, mae Tola'n helpu ei theulu a'i chymuned. Ond mae Tola'n cael trafferth yn yr ysgol â'i ffrindiau. O na fyddai bywyd fel Mathemateg, gydag atebion hawdd. A fydd y bobl y mae hi wedi'u cyffwrdd yn ystod eu bywydau yn helpu'r ferch fach hon â'r galon fawr?

Mae'r straeon byrion yn gwneud y llyfr hwn yn un hawdd troi ato, ac mae'r darluniau annwyl yn dod â bywyd Tola'n fyw gyda hiwmor. Dathliad hyfryd o gymuned, teulu a chariad.

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