The Thames and Tide Club: The Secret City

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Clem and her friends Ash and Zara are mudlarks. Every week they walk the shores of the river Thames discovering lost objects that have washed up. They have never seen a laser shark, much to Ash’s disappointment, but sometimes they find treasure. 

One day, the weather is behaving strangely and water is spurting out of fountains and up drains.  Most worryingly of all, there are cracks spreading across their block of flats. When Oswald the museum owner sees the item Clem has found, he tells the friends to return it to the river. But what – and who – will they find when they do so?

Bursting with quirky characters and imaginative world-building elements, this is the start of a delightful young fiction series. Clem and her friends live in a friendly community, and the warmth of that group infuses the whole story. Short chapters and fun illustrations bring huge appeal for readers who are keen to dive in to engaging but accessible stories. 

Hanes: Hanes lleol

Mae Clem a’i ffrindiau Ash a Zara yn boitswyr. Bob wythnos, maen nhw’n cerdded glannau afon Tafwys yn darganfod pethau coll sydd wedi’u golchi i’r lan.

Un diwrnod, mae’r tywydd yn ymddwyn yn od ac mae dŵr yn pistyllio o ffynhonnau ac i fyny’r cwteri.  Ond y peth mwyaf pryderus ydy bod craciau’n ymledu ar draws eu bloc o fflatiau. Pan mae Oswald, perchennog yr amgueddfa, yn gweld yr eitem y mae Clem wedi’i darganfod, mae’n dweud wrth y ffrindiau am ei dychwelyd i’r afon. Ond beth – a phwy – fyddan nhw’n eu darganfod pan wnawn nhw hynny?

Mae penodau byr a darluniau llawn hwyl yn mynd i apelio’n fawr at ddarllenwyr sy’n frwd i neidio i mewn i straeon difyr ond hawdd eu darllen.

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