The Best You
Publisher: Little Tiger
In this gentle and uplifting picture book, the common question ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ is turned on its head. Children are often asked to think about what job they might like to do from an early age. And whilst there is nothing wrong with ambition, this question can feel difficult – after all, there is still so much to learn about the world and maybe you’d like to do many jobs!
So instead, this book invites us to ask children who it is that they would like to be. From teacher to firefighter, engineer to artist, each job is addressed in turn for the important qualities and values that they require; qualities such as patience, empathy, bravery and vision.
With adorable illustrations to depict the different job qualities and upbeat text from a parenting coach and former primary teacher, this is a gentle celebration of the more important attributes that children need to thrive. It also champions the importance of teaching children how to adopt a growth mindset and building emotional resilience in a world where mistakes are a normal part of life and learning.
Yn y llyfr lluniau tyner a thwymgalon hwn, mae’r cwestiwn cyffredin, ‘Beth ydych chi eisiau bod pan fyddwch chi’n tyfu i fyny?’ yn cael ei droi ar ei ben. Yn hytrach, mae’r llyfr hwn yn gofyn i blant pwy fydden nhw’n hoffi bod. Mae gwahanol swyddi yn cael eu disgrifio yn ôl y rhinweddau a’r gwerthoedd pwysig sydd eu hangen i’w cyflawni; rhinweddau fel amynedd, empathi, dewrder a gweledigaeth.
Gyda darluniau hyfryd a thestun i godi calon gan gyn-athrawes, mae’r llyfr hwn yn dathlu agwedd yn hytrach na chyrhaeddiad. Mae’n hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd meddylfryd twf mewn byd lle mae camgymeriadau yn rhan bwysig o ddysgu.
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