Benjamin Zephaniah’s People Need People

Publisher: Hachette Children’s Group

To walk to, to talk to, to cry and rely on, people will always need people.

Benjamin Zephaniah’s uplifting rhyming text shares the many reasons why people need other people. People are very useful – to play with, to learn from and to hug! The delightful illustrations by Nila Aye show people interacting in all sorts of situations – in the park, the nursery, the airport and a family feast, to name a few. Every child is having fun in the pictures, and between them they represent a large variety of ethnicities. Everyone in the world needs people, after all!

It is impossible to read this book and not smile. The poem is perfect to read aloud, as you’d expect from a prize-winning poet, and the cheery yellow endpapers, peppered with smiling faces, set the tone for pleasure from the moment you open the covers. This is a wonderful celebration of community and connection.

A joyous book to share, with charming details to spot on every spread.

Mae angen pobl ar bawb yn y byd.

Mae testun odledig Benjamin Zephaniah yn un sy'n codi calon ac yn rhannu llawer rheswm pam fod angen pobl eraill ar bobl – i chwarae gyda nhw, i ddysgu oddi wrthyn nhw ac i'w cwtsio! Mae'r darluniau hyfryd gan Nila Aye yn dangos pobl yn rhyngweithio mewn pob math o sefyllfaoedd – yn y parc, y feithrinfa, y maes awyr a gwledd deuluol. Mae pob plentyn yn cael hwyl yn y lluniau ac, rhyngddyn nhw, maen nhw'n cynrychioli amrywiaeth eang o gefndiroedd ethnig.

Mae'n amhosibl darllen y llyfr hwn heb wenu. Mae'r gerdd yn berffaith i'w darllen yn uchel, fel y byddech yn ei ddisgwyl gan fardd sydd wedi ennill gwobrau. Dathliad gwych o gymuned a chysylltiad.

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