Owl Babies
Publisher: Walker Books
When three baby owls wake up to find their mother gone, they feel scared and vulnerable. But their anxieties soon prove unfounded by Mum's safe return. This reassuring and stunningly illustrated book tackles the subject of temporary separation - a situation which all children are likely to experience, be it Mum going to work or first day at Nursery. No father figure is mentioned.
Early Years – Seasons
An ever-present early years topic, exploring seasonal changes helps children to understand and make sense of their physical world and community. These wonderful books will help children engage with themes of seasonality through stories, poems and information, and will hopefully inspire deeper connections with our natural world.
Books about trees for 0-5
This selection of books about trees and their inhabitants will encourage young nature lovers to look closely at their surroundings when out for a walk. From jungles to forests, owls to monkeys, children will love learning more about trees.
Early Years – Habitats
Children in the early years enjoy observing nature and should be encouraged to notice connections between animals and the places they live. The following fiction and non-fiction titles explore the variety of habitats that animals call home. From rock pool dwelling crabs to nesting owls, these books teach young children about animals in the wild and how their…
Picture books about birds
We've put together a list of some of our favourite feathered-friend tales. From classics like Owl Babies, to a book full of birdsong and a wild goose adventure, they'll have little ones flocking for a story.
Forest and woodland books for 0-5
Here is a selection of brilliant board books and picture books set in the woods. They are stories, rather than non-fiction, and animals take centre stage.
See also our list of books about trees for 0-5:
These books are a great way to read and learn about all kinds of families with your toddler or younger child.
What you thought...
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Sparklefluttery, 11 May 2017
I would love to read this book to my son Casey he loves it when we sit together with a book. We had this book with my 11-year-old, he loved it but got too old for it so we gave it to the charity shop.
Connell family, 17 October 2016
my two month baby boy loves this book when I read it too him and change my voice for all the different characters. also when his in a playing mood I put this on the background and hide a teddy of his pretending it the mummy owl and we read the story and wait for his teddy to come back. I do believe he loves this as he give us a smile :)
angeljj, 02 December 2015
Love this book was told about it by Zac's grandma and is now a bedtime fav, love the moral and value of the story and easy to make voices to keep him entertaiined
Lorinda, 24 October 2015
I bought the version with added dvd my daughter loved both!
Millieb23, 10 September 2015
A great bedtime read.
Sasharoo, 02 July 2015
I first heard Owl Babies at playschool, I have now borrowed it from the library to read at bedtime with mummy, my favourite bit is when Bill says "I want my mummy". Noah - 4.
ClareM, 30 June 2014
I first heard this book when it was read out aloud to my 7 month old daughter and other young children during Rhyme Time at our local library. I thought it was such a lovely story with beautiful drawings of the owls. Then I saw the book in a charity shop a couple of weeks later, and brought it home to read to my daughter. She smiles whenever I read her the book, especially when Bill says "I want my Mummy!".
Mishclaret, 20 December 2013
This is a lovely book to read with you child it's nice and quiet and relaxing for both parent and child the bold light on dark colours are eye catching for Sofia she loved it and carried it around with her for an hour after.
Sofia , 13 September 2013
Loved this book. Taught them so much. Especially loved the owls. My 3 year old thought the owls were very cute x
Princesses Annabelle&Sophia, 23 July 2013
As a child this was my favourite book, so I now read it to my 14 week old lil boy and he gets all excited when I enthisize the owls mum getting them some food
mummyandlilman, 18 May 2013
My mum is an early years teacher, she bought this book for Logan this week! Such a lovely book to read, it also matches the theme for his bedroom!
Cinammon Waffle, 18 April 2013
Anton liked this book as it reassured him that even though mummy does go away some times, she also comes back. He loves Bill's line "I want my mummy"!
Anne , 22 March 2013
Little one only is 5 months old and he seems to really love this book. Great for bedtime for winding him down.
helly_mummy_mcmillan, 15 August 2012
my sister like the very hungrey catpilar and me
mariana, 15 August 2012
A classic book, really wonderful to read over and over again.
Usman, 10 July 2012
my nine mothe old baby enjoy this story with juming and takling with owl babies.
shanu, 03 July 2012
I have shared this book with libby. I really enjoyed the story and i am sure libby enjoyed it too.
LIBBY, 16 June 2012
we love this book and now errol will say mum when we read it
melandlee, 14 June 2012
This is my 12 month old daughter's favourite book. If we are out somewhere and she's getting a bit over-stimulated, all I have to do is recite this story and she calms down instantly. The author also comes from my hometown so it is extra special for us.
Cora's Mummy, 30 April 2012
marcus loves this book also he used to be very happy when he sees me get it out of his book box he would always make an owl sound. this book is heart warming and loving
leahmarie, 30 April 2012
My four year old daughter has borrowed this book from the library more than any other over the last few years, she particularly enjoyed the version with the CD with the story and songs to accompany it. I did offer to buy her the book, but she prefers to keep borrowing it every so often!
EmmaG, 27 April 2012
My three month old baby loves looking at the black and white images in this book whilst I read it to him!
Hmoss1, 24 April 2012
With mummy and daddy. It makes me very quiet, and makes my eyes go very wide. I might be a baby owl too :)
Thomas11, 15 April 2012
Fantastic book!!!!! Daughter loves this
dizzie84, 12 February 2012
our bed time book at the mo! Sam does twit twoo on every page
emweb, 31 January 2012
Wonderful story :)
Mummy&Jaxxon, 15 October 2011
My daughter loves this book and gets very excited when the mummy owl returns. A real favourite at bed time.
Kiaeci, 17 September 2011
This book is brilliant and heartwarming.
mummybear85, 04 July 2011
With my mummy
Jacob190111, 29 June 2011
I love reading this book to my baby boy. I use different voices for each owl, which he enjoys. We also have the fluffy owl to go with this book, which my baby boy likes to touch and cuddle while I'm reading.