Looshkin Oof! Right in the Puddings!

Publisher: David Fickling Books

Watch out! Wherever Looshkin the cat goes, chaos follows. If you enjoy crazy chases, random animals popping up and bonkers costumes, this second Looshkin book is for you. Here, Looshkin confuses some astronauts, terrifies some aliens, becomes the head of marketing for a day (because he’s wearing a tie) and gives a garden gnome the adventure of a lifetime. This is but a fraction of the inventive antics of this irrepressible cat. Poor Bear often bears the brunt of Looshkin’s energy, along with the rest of the family, and although the events are surreal and hectic, there are lots of laughs throughout.

This is a collection of short comic strips, each with their own bonkers ‘storyline’, making it easy to dip in and out of Looshkin’s world. The illustrations zing with energy and the jokes and silly situations come thick and fast. Framed as an investigation into the ‘maddest cat ever’ by Professor PP Wobblybum, there is no conclusion to be drawn other than: laugh yourself silly with this book.

Gwyliwch! Lle bynnag mae Looshkin y gath yn mynd, mae anrhefn yn dilyn. Yma, mae Looshkin yn drysu rhai gofodwyr, yn dychryn estroniaid ac yn rhoi antur ei fywyd i gorrach gardd. A dim ond rhan fach ydy hyn o branciau dyfeisgar y gath afreolus hon.

Casgliad o stribedi comig byr ydy hwn, pob un â’i linell stori ei hun, gan ei wneud yn hawdd i fynd i mewn ac allan o fyd Looshkin. Er bod y digwyddiadau’n swrrealaidd a gwyllt, mae yna lawer o chwerthin drwyddo draw.

Mae’r darluniadau’n byrlymu ag egni ac mae llu o jôcs a sefyllfaoedd gwirion yn dod un ar ôl y llall. Byddwch chi’n chwerthin yn eich dyblau wrth ddarllen am gastiau Looshkin – ‘y gath fwyaf gwallgof erioed’.

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