Sharing stories: The incredible bond 15/01/25
Star Cat
Publisher: David Fickling Books
This bright, super-fun graphic novel stars Captain Spaceington and his wacky crew as they travel the universe in their spaceship, the Star Cat.
Spaceington is desperate to win the much-coveted Bravest Captain Award, but every mission he’s sent on by Space HQ never quite works out the way it’s supposed to… Instead, the Star Cat has a habit of leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, no matter how good their intentions are, which tends to rather overshadow their successes and ‘brave deeds’.
There’s the time where they’re sent to stop a bank robbery… And there’s the time with the Nubchicks – the last five creatures of their kind, which Spaceington has been tasked to transport to the Space Zoo for their safety. Then there’s time with the Universe Bomb and, oh yes, the time where they discover the legendary planet Inflatia…
Star Cat is silly, packed full of puns and laugh-out-loud funny. It’s clearly laid out, with all the story told through pictures and the speech bubbles. Altogether, there are six individual stories included in the collection, each involving an increasingly wild adventure as Spaceington seeks to get the recognition he feels he deserves – oh, and prevent his evil nemesis, Dark Rectangle, from destroying the universe.
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Average rating:
Aamanee Jannath Rahman, 28 January 2023
Funny book I enjoyed reading it I liked the characters and how the space mayor was a chicken. It was also funny how everything went wrong and I would read another one of these star cat books because it was enjoyable and funny and the art style was cool. Pictures made it not boring like some regular books and made a change from the books I usually read. I liked it a lot and I will definetely buy another star cat book.
Harry, 11 January 2023
Anonymous, 16 October 2022
It seems interesting funny and curious