Lizzie and Lucky: The Mystery of the Disappearing Rabbit

Publisher: Penguin Random House

There’s a magical competition in town and Lizzie, her dog Lucky and her friend Ted are very excited to be watching it. The famous Lady Azeena will be performing with her rabbit Ruby – and she’s Deaf, like Lizzie, so the event is extra special for Lizzie. When they get to the theatre, where Lizzie’s parents work, they find lots of large crates marked ‘WILD ANIMAL’ and a grumpy temporary stage manager. But there are a few mysteries to solve. Lady Azeena loves her rabbit, so why isn’t she allowing anyone to feed the animals in her crates? And then her beloved Ruby goes missing. It’s time for Lizzie and Lucky to sniff out some clues.

Short chapters and charming illustrations mean this gentle story is perfect for early readers. Animal lovers will enjoy the tips on how to care for rabbits at the back, as well as the details in the story. Lizzie and her family and Ted all use sign language, which is effortlessly incorporated as a normal part of day-to-day life. The author’s own experience of partial deafness means that she’s keen to share this beautiful language, and at the back she’s included the letters of the alphabet in British sign language, and some words to learn.

Mae yna gystadleuaeth hud yn y dref ac mae Lizzie, ei chi Lucky a'i ffrind Ted yn llawn cyffro i'w gweld. Bydd yr enwog Lady Azeena'n perfformio gyda'i chwningen Ruby – ac mae hi'n fyddar fel Lizzie, felly mae'r digwyddiad yn fwy arbennig byth. Ond, pan aiff Ruby ar goll, mae'n amser i Lizzie a Lucky ddatrys ambell gliw.

Mae Lizzie a'i theulu i gyd yn defnyddio iaith arwyddion, sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn gwbl naturiol yn y stori. Mae profiad yr awdur o fod yn rhannol fyddar yn golygu ei bod yn awyddus iawn i rannu'r iaith hyfryd hon, ac yn y cefn mae hi wedi cynnwys llythrennau'r wyddor yn Iaith Arwyddion Prydain hefyd.

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