I'm a Girl!

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Ismail deals with a hot topic in this beautiful picture book that hits the nail on the head. This little girl is noisy, messy, fast and loud. She's keen to learn everything she can. She's brave and adventurous, she's curious and competitive. Not interested in being sugar and spice, she's 'sweet and sour, not a little flower' - constantly mistaken for a boy, she's loud and she's proud because she's a GIRL!

Ismail's gorgeous painterly style is reminiscent of Lucy Cousins, and the simple text is unapologetically triumphant. Little girls will love identifying with this happy little heroine and there's a nod towards self-confidence for boys too but it is tiny tomboys that will really appreciate the joyous refrain. Bright, bold and modern this is a lovely young picture book that is very welcome, presenting an important issue in an age appropriate manner. Like all good children's writers, Ismail has managed to bind the message in a picture book that is a delight in every aspect.

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