Greenwild: The World Behind the Door

Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books

Daisy and her mother travel the world together, chasing stories for Daisy’s mother’s job as a journalist. But now Daisy is going to boarding school for the first time. Her mother has to travel to the Amazon rainforest and it’s too dangerous. Daisy’s only comfort is a cat she met in Kew Gardens, who secretly snuggles with her at the miserable school. And then the stern Matron tells her her mother has gone missing…

Escaping to London, and stumbling back to Kew Gardens, Daisy is chased by her mother’s boss, and follows the cat through a secret door. She’s discovered Greenwild! An extraordinary world where Botanists use green magic to look after plants both familiar and strange, and save those facing extinction. Taken under the Commander’s wing, and thrust into Botanist school, Daisy takes root in this vibrant world of giant lilypad boats, sighing forests and vines that can pour teapots. As Daisy makes friends, she discovers that it’s not just her mother who’s gone missing. Something sinister is going on – and it could affect her world, too. It’s time to enlist some parakeets, use her mother’s dandelight, and have a thrilling adventure to save her mother, and both worlds.

Exquisitely balancing compelling detail with thrilling action, this has a strong eco message at its heart. Beautiful.

Mae Daisy a’i mam yn teithio’r byd gyda’i gilydd, yn chwilio am straeon ar gyfer gwaith mam Daisy sy’n newyddiadurwraig.

Pan aiff mam Daisy ar goll tra oedd yn gweithio yng nghoedwigoedd glaw yr Amazon, mae Daisy’n dianc o’r ysgol breswyl ac yn darganfod Greenwild, byd anghyffredin lle mae botanegwyr yn defnyddio hud gwyrdd i ofalu am blanhigion ac yn achub y rhai sydd ar drengi.

Wrth i Daisy wneud ffrindiau yn Greenwild, mae hi’n darganfod bod rhywbeth sinistr yn digwydd – ac fe allai effeithio ar ei byd hi, hefyd. Mae’n bryd cael antur gyffrous i achub ei mam a’r ddau fyd!

Gan gyfuno manylion gafaelgar ac anturiaethau cyffrous yn gelfydd, mae neges eco gref wrth galon y llyfr hwn.

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