Finding Home

Publisher: Bloomsbury

In a den, deep beneath the Arctic snow, a polar bear is safe and warm with her cubs; high in the tree canopy of an Asian rainforest an orangutan has woven a snug and secure nest from branches and leaves. At the top of a tall tree in Florida, there’s another nest, but this one belongs to a family of bald eagles and is as big as a small car! 

In South Africa, the aardvark digs out tunnels up to 13 metres long where it can hide during the day, but emerge as the sun goes down to feed on ants and termites using its long, sticky tongue. And under the ocean, the orange clownfish uses a secret superpower that allows it to make a home among the poisonous tentacles of deadly sea anemones. 

With a double-page spread devoted to each of 20 animals, readers of all ages will be fascinated by the strange and wonderful places animals call home.  

A huge amount of fascinating information is conveyed as much by the stunning illustrations as by the succinct, informative text. This is a glorious book aimed mainly at older primary children, but it could be enjoyed by much younger children too.

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