
Publisher: Barrington Stoke

Imagine a future where physical contact between humans is illegal. No hand holding and no hugs to make you feel better when you're feeling sad. School takes place in virtual classrooms and if you want to play football with your mates you have to go on line and play a simulated game. What would you do? Would you stick to the rules or would you find a way to break them?

Cal and his friends are tired of sticking to the rules. Secret meetings are arranged. The friends have found that football is far better when it is played on a field with friends and where tackling is allowed. Unfortunately someone has learnt about their secret and is threatening to stop their enjoyment of the game. Will their secret be kept and the games continue or will the group's rule breaking activity be halted?

This book is written in a dyslexia friendly format making it accessible to a wider range of readers.

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