Carrie and the Roller Boots

Publisher: Little Gems

Sidney has been practising his tap-dancing routine every day, in preparation for his performance at Friday Fun assembly. His best friend Carrie decides to perform alongside him, and devises a spectacular roller-skating act, complete with elaborate spins and cartwheels. However, Carrie has never roller-skated before and her new hobby proves difficult to master. Sidney suggests she performs at next month’s assembly instead, to give her more practice time, but Carrie wants to be good NOW and won’t accept any help or advice. As the day of the performance approaches, she becomes increasingly anxious.

This delightful chapter book demonstrates that it takes time, hard work and perseverance to develop new skills, and also highlights the importance of supportive friendships. It sensitively explores Carrie’s feelings of frustration and apprehension, as well as Sidney’s concern for his friend. Colourful illustrations accompany the gentle tale, which is ideal for dyslexic or reluctant readers. A dyslexia-friendly font and uncluttered layout makes reading easier, while thick, off-white pages help to reduce visual stress. Children can enjoy further Sidney and Carrie adventures in Sidney Makes a Wish. 

Tra bod Sidney yn ymarfer ar gyfer perfformiad tapddawnsio, mae ei ffrind Carrie yn penderfynu y bydd yn perfformio ochr yn ochr ag ef ar esgidiau rholio – er nad yw erioed wedi rhôl-sglefrio o’r blaen! Mae Carrie’n teimlo rhwystredigaeth oherwydd ei hanallu i feistroli ei hobi newydd ar unwaith ac, wrth i ddiwrnod y perfformiad ddynesu, mae’n gynyddol bryderus.

Mae’r llyfr hyfryd hwn yn amlygu pwysigrwydd cyfeillgarwch cefnogol ac yn archwilio’n sensitif teimladau o rwystredigaeth a gofid. Mae darluniadau lliwgar yn cyd-fynd â’r stori dyner, sy’n ddelfrydol ar gyfer darllenwyr dyslecsig neu anfodlon.

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