The Ghost Cat Who Saved my Life

Publisher: Barrington Stoke

Sav is concerned when she hears a cat meowing continuously in the upstairs flat, but her mother says the flat is empty, so she must have heard a ghost. Sav decides she could keep the ghost cat as a pet, as her mum is allergic to real cats, so she and her best friend Liam hatch a plan to capture the ghostly feline. Finding a spare key under the doormat, the pair sneak into the empty flat, but the creature streaks past them and disappears. Sav is devastated as her hopes of owning a cat are dashed. Determined to cheer his friend up, Liam searches for the elusive creature, but when he runs into trouble, an unexpected hero saves the day.

This engaging, heart-warming mystery is ideal for reluctant and dyslexic readers. A special font helps to avoid confusing letter shapes, tinted pages reduce visual stress, and short chapters provide natural reading breaks, helping children to build confidence and stamina. Generously illustrated throughout, the colourful pencil artwork breaks up the text and creates a visual narrative which enhances comprehension. The book also features a selection of fun cat facts and a spot-the-difference game for further entertainment.

Mae Sav yn siŵr ei bod wedi clywed ysbryd cath mewn fflat i fyny’r grisiau. Gyda’i ffrind Liam, mae’n llunio cynllun i’w dal a’i chadw fel anifail anwes. Wrth iddyn nhw chwilio, mae’r creadur yn saethu heibio iddyn nhw, gan adael Sav yn siomedig. Mae Liam yn chwilio am y creadur cudd, a phan fo’n mynd i drafferthion, mae arwr annisgwyl yn achub y dydd!

Mae’r dirgelwch difyr hwn yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer darllenwyr anfodlon a dyslecsig. Wedi’i ddarlunio’n helaeth o glawr i glawr, mae’r llyfr hefyd yn cynnwys detholiad o ffeithiau difyr am gathod a gêm gweld y gwahaniaeth fel adloniant pellach.

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