A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars

Publisher: Buster Books

Think you know about space? Think again! You might not have read about it in quite this way before…

The book features three sections: The Solar System, Outer Space and Space Travel, each containing a plethora of information within them, presented in the form of comics, comic-style illustrations and Secret Diary and A Day in the Life Of… features.

The Secret Diaries are a particular joy, showcasing the key movers and shakers in the realm of space travel, technology and science. If you expect these all to be humans, though, think again: we get an except of the diary of Miss Baker, one of the first monkeys in space, A Little Bit of Sunshine, A Hairy Star and Rosetta, a Comet Catcher built by the European Space Agency.

Plus, we get an insight into A Day in the Life of space features such as copycat planets, UFOs, a Galaxy and a Northern Star among many other fascinating things.

The third in the series from Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley (The first in the series, A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You, won the Blue Peter Awards 2021 Best Book with Facts), A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars is just as zany, smart and fun as the previous two titles, and guaranteed to entertain even the least bookish kid with its immersive cartoons, clear layout and brilliant sense of humour.

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