Book recommendations

Find book recommendations to support your school.

Looking for a great book on a theme? Our booklists cover a large range of subjects, from everyday issues to genre, disability, diversity, sporty books, funny books, and more.

Finished a brilliant book and not sure what to read next? Our What to Read After... recommendations will help you find something ideal.

Our Bookfinder will help you discover the very best children's books. Simply choose an age range, pick as many themes as you want to search through thousands of book reviews, and get reading. 

Top booklists this month

Explore some of our favourite booklists this month!

Books to engage children with STEM

The following booklist shares titles which explore the wonderfully imaginative world of STEM in different and exciting ways, providing ideas and inspiration for the next generation of innovators.

Books with Muslim characters for primary school children

These joyous books, written by Muslim authors, show Muslim characters living their lives, having adventures and being loved by their families. We've included some inspiring non-fiction titles too.

Books about rewilding

Rewilding is a crucial part of conservation and saving the planet. It's important to include this in conversations about the environment with children, not least because of its positive effects. This selection of brilliant books encompasses fiction and non-fiction, saving animals and planting trees. 

Top blogs this month

The power of sharing fairy tales with children

Find out why sharing fairy tales with children can be powerful in this piece from Aya and the Star Chaser author Radiya Hafiza.

6 tips to inspire children to write for pleasure

Discover author Julia Green's top tips to inspire children's creativity and encourage them to get writing.

Why chapter books hook children on reading

Author Maisie Chan shares her passion for young fiction books.

Great Books Guide

Our 100 favourite children's books from the past year, for teeny babies all the way up to 11 year olds. The right book is what a child wants to read – and we hope this guide helps you find it. 

View the Great Books Guide

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