Creating accessible library story times: For blind or partially sighted children or caregivers

Check out useful tips and advice from the RNIB to help you create accessible library story times for blind or partially sighted children and caregivers.

A photo of a child reading Braille - only the child's hands and the book can be seen in the photo

Story and rhyme times are a vital service offered by public libraries and often provide the first experience of books and storytelling for babies and toddlers.

To make sure that this is accessible to children who are blind and partially sighted too, we've created this guide for library staff so that their story times can be as inclusive as possible.

In order to develop literacy skills, children must first learn concepts, language and ideas, a process called 'Emergent Literacy'. Touching and feeling books, listening to reading and story times are a major part of this and can be done in a way that is accessible to a child who has sight loss.

'Long before children speak, they enjoy listening to the sound of your voice. This also gives them a feel for the sounds, rhythms and rhymes of language.'

Get top tips about what to look for when you're choosing books along with advice for running successful story time sessions with blind or partially sighted children.

Discover recommendations of brilliant books that feature blind or partially sighted children to help young people find themselves in stories.

Create a fun book box to share with children during your story time sessions with these helpful tips and ideas.

Find out about ways to add braille, tactile and large print books to your library and find other helpful resources to support your work.

This guide has been written by and contributed to by the RNIB, Calibre Audio, Guide Dogs, Share the Vision, BookTrust and the Clear Vision Project.


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