Twenty Questions

(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Walker Books

This brilliant picture book is fantastic for sharing with inquisitive minds. It poses a range of questions to the child, and there is no wrong answer. Indeed, some questions have more than one answer, or endless answers. The only limit is your imagination!

Children will enjoy talking about such quandaries as ‘where did the bandits bury the treasure?’ and ‘what would you do if you found it’? From considering what present a lamb might give a lion, to what a little boy might be hiding behind his back, the reader is asked to use their creative imagination to its fullest extent. What fun it is to examine the illustrations and speculate as to what the characters might have done, be doing now or plan to do!

It would be entertaining to use this in the classroom, to showcase everyone’s different opinions – all equally valid – and to spark imaginative journeys. The interactive element means it might not be ideal for bedtime, as children’s brains will be buzzing afterwards, yet it would work brilliantly as a one-to-one cosy chat during the day. Playful and profound, with bright artwork that seems deceptively simple, yet demands attention, this is sure to be a future classic in the vein of John Burningham’s Would You Rather?


Ble wnaeth y lladron gladdu’r trysor? Beth fyddech chi’n ei wneud pe baech chi’n ei ddarganfod?

Mae’r llyfr lluniau rhagorol hwn yn wych i’w rannu â meddyliau chwilfrydig. Mae’n gosod amrywiaeth o gwestiynau i’r plentyn, a does yna ddim un ateb anghywir. O ystyried pa anrheg fyddai oen yn ei roi i lew, i beth allai’r bachgen bach fod yn cuddio y tu ôl ei gefn, mae gofyn i’r darllenydd ddefnyddio’i ddychymyg creadigol i’r eithaf.

Mae’r llyfr yn chwareus ac yn ddwys, gyda gwaith celf llachar sy’n ymddangos yn dwyllodrus o syml, mae hwn yn sicr o fod yn un o glasuron y dyfodol yn yr un cywair â Would You Rather? John Burningham.


Ble wnaeth y lladron gladdu'r trysor? Beth fyddech chi'n ei wneud pe baech chi'n ei ddarganfod?

Mae'r llyfr lluniau rhagorol hwn yn wych i'w rannu â meddyliau chwilfrydig. Mae'n gosod amrywiaeth o gwestiynau i'r plentyn, a does yna ddim un ateb anghywir. O ystyried pa anrheg fyddai oen yn ei roi i lew, i beth allai'r bachgen bach fod yn cuddio y tu ôl ei gefn, mae gofyn i'r darllenydd ddefnyddio'i ddychymyg creadigol i'r eithaf.

Mae'r llyfr yn chwareus ac yn ddwys, gyda gwaith celf llachar sy'n ymddangos yn dwyllodrus o syml, mae hwn yn sicr o fod yn un o glasuron y dyfodol yn yr un cywair â Would You Rather? John Burningham.

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