Timeless: Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic

Publisher: HarperCollins

The Time Collision changed everything. A cosmic cataclysm from beyond the stars has reshaped Earth. Continents have shifted, timelines have merged, but humanity has endured.

Thirteen-year-old Diego Ribera has never known a world before the Time Collision; to him, it’s natural for giant robots and hoverboards to exist alongside dinosaurs and steam-powered ships. However, his life is about to get a whole lot more bizarre. Who are the Aeternum? Why have they taken his father? And how can Diego prevent further catastrophe?

With pages upon pages of beautifully rich and vibrant illustrations (almost like storyboards for a movie), alongside amazingly detailed text, this book is something very special. We would hazard a guess that this will become as big a series as Percy Jackson or The Edge Chronicles.

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